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Please make sure you vote in this month's focus poll! I opened the voting up to ALL patrons for a good reason. The results will significantly effect future development of Left Hand Magic. Getting as much feedback as possible is important. So please go vote if you haven't!


With that reminder done with...time for the first proper progress report of the month! Obviously, with the Short Story and Mixed Media polls still ongoing, I can't say anything about them yet. But I can update you on how a few other things are going!

Left Hand Magic

I started this month's development out by focusing on the remaining Arianna scene for Week 4. I've already finished one animation of the two animation set...but that's about it for progress so far. I should have also had the second animation of that set done already. Unfortunately, the first one was supposed to run while I was sleeping...and the outlet on the power strip my desktop is hooked up to apparently died four frames into the thirty frame animations T-T. Seriously, while I was relieved as heck it wasn't something more serious...I was also pretty pissed that I'd lost like 9 hours of render time -_-. As it is, the second animation will be running after I crash in a couple of hours.

In truth, I'm still not as far along as I'd normally be by this point of the month. Mostly that's on account of the overrun from last month...combined with the fact that I was utterly exhausted and took the first weekend of the month mostly off. It helped a lot to put me back in a positive, productive frame of mind, though. So I think we'll be better of for me having done that.

Short Story

Obviously, the poll isn't done yet. But the non-poll short is already underway. In respect for the fact that Eros Academy scored so well last month, despite it's loooonng absence, I decided to go ahead and make a new Eros Academy short story. I've gotten about 2,500 words down already and I'm expecting to add another thousand or so before I crash. With any luck it will be finished in the next 2-3 days so I can post it relatively early. 


As usual, actually rendering these was one of the first things I did this month. They need more post-processing than usual though...and I think I might experiment with them a bit. Maybe. That will be a 'if there is a random bit of time' sort of thing. If there is, I'd like to try out something different for post-processing on them. But it's a very low priority. If I don't find that random scrap of time by the 15th or so, I'll just process them normally.


That's it for now! Polls results will be in a couple of days...at least for the Short Story and Mixed Media polls. I might let the focus poll run as long as the 15th. Getting as many votes as possible there really is important. Seriously. Please go read and vote in that poll if you haven't yet...



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