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Edit: There's a patch for the chastity content attached to this post as Haven's Port 19.1, both for the compressed and full versions. This fixes some bugs that occur after you perform in the Orgasm Orchestra or do Merixa's content. Just replace your Haven's Port.html file with the one in the patch and it should fix the issues. 

Whew! It's ready! Only like...30 hours late (and it's actually been done for hours, upload took forever)? That's not too horrible. Particularly considering the whole Feburary-is-stupidly-short-for-reasons-that-probably-don't-make-any-sense thing. Still, I do apologize (again) for the short delay.

As for Build 19's actual content...I'm quite pleased with it. Eighteen new scenes, with roughly 115 new renders between them, makes for a pretty sizable build. For reference, 'Full' builds are usually between 110-120 new renders. So we landed right in the zone on this one. All new content is for Rose Garden, with quite a few of these scenes scattered around as general scenes (per voting on that subject). The first of the three Patron Spirits and their challenges are present as well, however. As is a new date for Akari. As an extra little hint...all three of the Patron Spirits for Rose Garden now actually appear in the game. It's just that you can only do the trials for one of them so far ;-). I'm pretty sure most of you will guess the identity of one of the others...though the third might be a bit harder to pick out! Regardless, see the Release Notes for a more complete breakdown. For now...


Online Version: https://novusadventures.com/HP19Compressed/

Username: Patron5

Password: PatronoftheArts

Compressed Version




PNG Version




Build 19 Release Notes:

Build 19 focused on the expansion of Rose Garden, the faction Island for the Order of the Rose. It added the first of three Patron Spirits for the island, an additional date for Akari, and 14 new general scenes, including some Futa support for various locations on Rose Garden. There are at total of 18 new scenes. Some of the highlights are:

- 2 Challenges for the Patron Spirit Merixa

- 1 New Date for Akari

- 4 General Futa scenes

- 2 New Activities at the Theater

- New scenes for both the Acolytes' Hall and the Center for Advanced Pleasure

- A new area (The Tea Shop. Not a lot there yet)



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