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Alright, this is probably the last major progress report I'll do before release. Might do a couple of quick notes here or there just to let everyone know how it's going. But this is the last proper progress report for the month. 

So...I've officially cut the 4th Arianna's Route scene from the build. Honestly, the build is going to be the exact same size as originally planned anyway, since I had to add a Chastity Masturbation scene that wasn't in my original calculations. That was an 'Oops' realization that I had earlier in the month and renders/animations for it are already done. And it, like the scene I'm cutting from the build, is a 2-stage animation scene. So, size wise, the build is going to hit the originally planned content amount anyway. The reason that I'm cutting it though, rather than trying to power on with it, is twofold. 

First, I'm currently sick. It's nothing serious, just a sinus infection. I seem to get one around this time of year, pretty much every year, it's just a matter of exactly when and just how miserable it makes me. In this particular case, it happened to be 'pretty fucking miserable,' since it came with a wave of dizziness that is unusual for me. Though not all that odd for sinus infections in general. It's made it hard to focus for the last few days and I only just got the antibiotics for it today. So, I'll likely be feeling like crap for the remainder of the month while the meds work. Ugh.

Second, I did about 90% of the post-processing and such for the build yesterday. Unfortunately, in doing so...I found two animations that had fuck ups bad enough for me to want to rerun them. Ones I somehow missed in my original checks. Likewise, I found a few still renders missing or in need of being rerun. All of that will cost me at least a day, possibly a day and a half, out of the remaining time for the month. 

The net result of those things combined made me unwilling to try and push to get the extra Arianna scene in. There are still going to be 14 scenes, with 15 animations spread between them, in the release. Which honestly makes this one of the largest ever Left Hand Magic releases in spite of cutting that one scene. So...yeah...I'm not feeling too guilty about making the choice. I did want to update people about having made it, though.

As for the release date. Currently, there's no reason to believe the release won't be on time. But between being sick and this particular build having hit me with issue after issue, I'm unwilling to say that it's 100% certain. It should be on time. And even if it's late, it won't be by very much, unless something major happens. 



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