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First, a reminder that there is an important poll up regarding December's content. Please go vote if you haven't!

Now, with that out of the way, it's been like 10 days since I actually gave a progress report. Sorry about that. Though, in my defense, I was out of town for four of those and have been basically pouring every free moment into trying to get everything out on time. Even now, I'm putting this up as a mental break before I finish up the Haven's Port coding. And on that note, let's get into the actual progress report. Everything but Haven's Port and the second short is already out, so...

Haven's Port

The news here is mostly good. Renders are 100% done, aside from any last-minute things I missed (there's usually one or two such that I realize I need as I'm writing scenes). They've also all been post-processed. So, yay, art side in essentially complete. As I mentioned above, I've been working on the programming. Specifically, I've been doing so yesterday and today. And, as of right now, the programming is done for 14 of the 15 scenes. The remaining scene is by far the most headache inducing, as it involves interacting with the Chastity programming bits everywhere else in the game. Hence the need for a bit of a mental break before tackling it. Unless something goes horribly wrong, though, it should be done in another hour or so. There's a few little bits and pieces to add, coding wise, beyond that. But nothing that should take more than a few minutes.

All of which means that, essentially, what remains for Haven's Port Build 18 is the Writing, Editing, Credits and Testing. I hope I can get the writing completely done by midnight of the 28th. On the 29th I have oral surgery scheduled and I'm kind of expecting I'll feel like shit for a day or two. I'm basically assuming the 29th itself will be a total write off, beyond day-job stuff I can't get out of. My hope is that I'll feel sufficiently human on the 30th to do the editing/testing/credits. I can't be sure of that however, which is why I've been warning since pretty early in the month that there might be a short delay for this build. 

I don't honestly expect it to be longer than the first or second, unless the aftermath of the surgery is a lot worse than I've been lead to believe. And I honestly don't feel that's too bad after loosing 2 days off the front of the month (from Left Hand Magic overrunning), 4 days in the middle of the month because of a death and out-of-state funeral, and at least 1 day lost to surgery. That's basically an entire week that this month got short changed by, so I'm doing my best not to stress if we end up spilling over into December by a day or two.

Short Story

This has been going...less good. I honestly expected The Long Haul's latest release to be easy. Unfortunately, I've been suffering pretty nasty writer's block on it for half the month. So far, I have all of 800 words -_-. I'm going to try to smash my head against it today again, to see if I can finally break through the writer's block on it. But I have zero idea how that will go. And, if I get stuck again...I'm going to have to prioritize Haven's Port. Meaning the story might get delayed into next month. That aggravates the heck out of me, but I've also always made it clear that the month's second short is the lowest priority. So, if it ends up delayed, it ends up delayed. 

I will release it eventually, regardless of delays. You know, unless I die or something. I'm not sticking around as a literal ghost writer just to finish it if the surgeon accidentally stabs me in the eyeball or something on Tuesday and I bleed out in horrible fashion. Just as every child instinctively feared would happen to them, someday, in a dentist's office. Just saying...I'm not that dedicated...



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