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Alright folks, progress report time.

Haven's Port

By the time I crash tonight, I will have at least 11 of the planned scenes done. Possibly 12. With the total number of scenes planned for the build cut to just 15 because of various issues that cropped up this month (including the funeral I'll be leaving town to attend) that puts me in a relatively good position. Honestly, if I didn't also have oral surgery planned for the 29th, I'd actually be pretty confident in releasing on time. With that, there's a chance of delays. I legit just don't know how rough that is going to be. If I only lose the one day to it, an on time release is pretty likely. If I'm miserable and drugged up on painkillers for multiple days in recovery though...

Anyway. Haven's Port is as on track as it can be for this month. Only life circumstance are making things uncertain. In the attached images for this progress report you can see the second area I've worked on. The Center for Advanced Pleasure Experiences. I've got four scenes already done for it and have tentatively moved on for the moment to the third area, which is a meeting spot for Acolytes and above of the Order of the Rose. At least four scenes will be set there. I'm currently not sure if I'll put the final scene at the C.A.P.E location or the Acolyte's Hall. I've got more scenes planned for each, so it's just a matter of picking out which one to do...

Mixed Media Short

This is actually the best news of the lot, since it was the thing I was most concerned about. Thankfully, by pushing hard on this front, I've officially managed to get all the renders done already. They haven't been post-processed yet, but the 19 planned renders for the next Silas Station entry are all complete as of about a half hour ago, leaving me fairly confident this won't experience any delays.

Short Story

This, on the other hand...hasn't gone anywhere. I'd honestly hoped to hammer it out entirely before I left town. Unfortunately, I've found myself in entirely the wrong sort of mental space to write erotica in the last week. Dealing with a bunch of funeral stuff, including writing the Eulogy for my grandmother, wasn't exactly conductive to sexy thoughts. So, aside from some general planning and outlining, I haven't been able to get anything done on this. 


Overall, things are looking fairly solid. There's still a mild to moderate possibility of small delays, simply because I lost so much time this month to life events I had/have little-to-no control over. I can, at least, say that so long as nothing else major gets in the way, any delays should be quite short, given how much I've managed to get done already. 

As one final note, expect to see a poll popping up sometime this weekend, regarding plans for December. I admit, I'm a little reluctant to jump on them already, given that I don't know if there will be a delay from this month carrying into the start of December. But, it needs doing. And I'm going to be out of access to most of my development ability over the weekend, so I might as well try to at least get that poll going...



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