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First, don't forget about the polls. All of them close at midnight tomorrow, so make sure to get your votes in. (HP Focus Poll)(Short Story Poll)(MMS Poll).

With that out of the way, I'll tackle the moderately important thing first. Those of you who read this month's Sitrep Post were/should be aware that there was a high chance of me needing to attend a funeral. Sadly, that has become a reality. My grandmother passed away last night, and the entirety of our somewhat large family will be traveling from all over to attend her funeral. Including me. In point of fact I will be doing the Eulogy for her. The dangers of being well known as the writer in the family.

What this effectively means for you guys and gals is that I'm going to be losing 4-5 days right out of the most productive part of the month. I knew this was probably coming and I've been trying to accelerate work so that it will have less of an impact on the release schedule...but I'm only human. Right now, my plan is to trim the size of the Haven's Port release down to 15 scenes. That's the absolute smallest I'm willing to release a Haven's Port build and I think I can probably still manage that (maybe). I'm not particularly concerned about the short stories, either. I've already got 3,000 words of one of them done and should finish it tonight or tomorrow. I'm a little bit more concerned about the MMS, since I'll be losing rendering days for it, too. 

One way or another, everything will be released. However, given the loss of several days, including another one at the end of the month for oral surgery and the two days lost at the start of the month, I'm warning right now that there is a significant probability of delays. And I legitimately can't give you an estimate of what those delays might be. The game release and the MMS are the most likely to suffer a few days delay. And it's unlikely that those delays will be longer than 3-4 days into December at the most. But that's about all I can say right now. As always, I'll try to keep you up to date on that sort of thing in future progress reports.

That's the end of the important notice. The rest below this will be just a quick summary of where progress is for each reward so far, as is the more usual point of these posts.


Haven's Port

As you can see in the attached images, I've been plugging away at Haven's Port. Sadly, unlike with Jerta where I got to skip it, this time I had to spend two entire days rendering variations of the dockside arrival, with all the clothing variations the player can have. Those are, thankfully, taken care of at this point. I've also got one fully completed scene and another than is almost complete (it will be tonight). Frustratingly the asset I acquired for the Theater is being a bit of a brat, causing renders to run long when I desperately want to speed things up >_<. Still, there's only one or two more scenes needed in the theater itself, and hopefully the assets I have picked out for the other two major areas won't be as troublesome.

Short Stories

As mentioned, I have around 3,000 words of a One-shot that I'm planning to use as one of the stories this month. Hopefully, I can finish it up tonight and give it an editing pass tomorrow. The actual poll short I can't start on yet...because the poll isn't over. So, more on that next progress report.

Mixed Media Short

Poll isn't over yet. Can't start on it. Though it looks likely to be more Silas Station. 



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