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Whew! Done. Sorry about the delay, folks. At least I managed to keep it down to like...31 hours? Well, a bit more by the time the uploads are done, I suppose. Not to mention building the Android version. Regardless, hopefully no one is too pissed about the slight delay, I promise I worked my butt off to make that delay as small as I could manage. I'll also warn you upfront to expect some bugs. I was...kinda loopy by the time I finished testing. So if I didn't miss something, I'd be far more surprised than if I did.

But, enough about that! A few things about the actual release. Despite being annoyed that the second planned masturbation scene didn't make it in, I'm actually pretty happy with the build. It finishes up the Weekday content from Week 3 by adding in the Revina + Trix Threesome path for Week 3. Which, for those of you that have been hopeful for it, is the dedicated chastity path for the MC. Chastity play may appear in some form for the MC in other paths, but the Rev + Trix path is the one that's always been intended as the dedicated MC-is-in-chastity path. So, three cheers for that, given that I think getting the MC into chastity has probably been the one thing I've had requested the most.

In addition to that, the core of the Weekend 3 events are in this build. There are two more events planned, as Weekend 3 is where the game's paths really start to diverge (or that's the plan anyway). Meaning that each of the Threesome Routes are intended to have unique events for the Week 3 Weekend. Given the general size of Weekend events, it wasn't possible to shoehorn those in this time. But you can expect to see them in the next build. And those events are much larger than their weekday counterparts. In addition to their animations, each also have between 12-16 still renders. And since ALL six of the new scenes are dual-stage animation scenes as well, this is a pretty sizable build. More exact numbers are in the release notes.

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Build 6 Release Notes

Build 6 contains six new scenes, five major and one minor, with twelve new animations split between them. In addition, there are 108 new still renders, making most of these new scenes pretty sizable. Overall, the build completes the Weekday content for Week 3 and kicks off the Weekend 3 event set. It contains:

-1 New Major Weekend Event for each girl

-1 New Threesome Event for Revina/Trix

-1 New Masturbation Event

-The Ability to Repeat some previous masturbation events.

-A Refresh of all Sprites. They'll need completely remade at some point, but they've at least been enhanced to match the environment quality/lighting better.

-A replacement render for the Ruins Threesome scene in which Arianna had glitched panties.

-Numerous minor fixes, including adding some dom and sub points where you should have gotten some previously and didn't. Typo correction and some audio issues were also sorted out.

-Gallery and Credits updated.

Known Issues:

-You can't repeat the new masturbation scene via the Gallery yet. I realized too late that I'd hit the point where the gallery needs multiple pages. Given the game release was already delayed, I wasn't going to take the extra time to figure out and put that system in. I also need to evaluate if I want to keep putting the Threesome scenes in the MC gallery, or create another galley for them.

- Previous saves with the Trix/Revina threesome events completed might not work to unlock the new event. This was a mistake where I hadn't added a tracking variable previously. Sorry :-(.

- I've become aware that the Dom/Sub points are...not quite what I'd hoped they would be. I need to take a hard look at that system and see how to better make use of it. 



George Lever

No issues so far as I can tell so far! Haven't found any spelling errors yet either.


Awesome! Though given what I was expecting, it makes me slightly nervous that you didn't spot anything ;-).