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Okay guys, I really thought I was going to have the release out this morning before I crashed. I had everything but the testing of the gallery code done. And that should have been one of the quickest things of all. That was...two and a half hours ago? I think? It's a little blurry at this point and that's sort of the point. For some god awful reason, ALL of the new gallery entries are bugged. And none of them in the same way. I must have been really out of it when I did the actual coding for the galleries, because I think I found every asinine little way to break the gallery code, then invented a few new ones for fun. I have, at this point, spent something like 2.5 hours tracking enough bugs to fix 5 of the 8 new gallery entries. And I'm...not tracking very well at this point. Worse, something realllllyyy fucked is going on with two of the remaining three. Somehow their video is getting SWAPPED. But only on their second stages. That's...several kinds of not even possible. And my exhausted brain is just sort of staring at them repeatedly going 'what the fuck even?'

All of this to say...I've got to give and get some sleep. I'm sorry for missing the 'morning of the second' target I gave, but I've simply hit my limit. On the plus side, unless something goes VERY wrong, it will be out tonight. I'm fairly sure once my brain is tracking again it will only take be another hour or two, at worst, to figure out the answer to that 'what the fuck even?'

Sorry. I'm going to go pass out now. 


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