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Whew! I'm completely wiped out at the moment, but as of my typing this, uploads have started for Build 14's release. I'm going to warn everyone upfront that I was sort of running on autopilot and hella hazzy for the last portion of testing, so there's a good chance I missed something, somewhere. Please report any bugs you run into. There were a few more core programming changes than usual this time, so the bugs could be a bigger deal if I missed them as well.

That said, I'm happy with the update I'm delivering, at least. Sixteen scenes, several of which actually have variants, making that number a little...fuzzy. Fuzzy in the direction that there are actually more than sixteen scenes worth of content, not less. Added to the fact that many of the Fleet Faction scenes are, like their Order of the Rose counterparts, considerably larger/longer than usual, and I'd say this is a FULL build of Haven's Port. That, despite the late start I got on it. Though, of course, I didn't quite make it in time :-(. Sorry! Anyway, time for links! More details on what was added can be found in the Release notes below.

HINT - I don't usually leave hints outside the walkthrough. But, in this case, 12 of the 16 scenes are gated behind joining the Fleet Faction. And thus the hint is thus: You need to either visit the Fight Coordinator at the Arena, or the Fleet Commander as a fairy, after reaching a certain level of Pirate Skill, Combat Skill, and Reputation. Either of them will give you a recommendation after you hit the required levels in all of those.


The Compressed version is strongly advised for web use. Particularly if you are on mobile. Unless you use Safari, which doesn't natively support the WEBP format. Because Apple are jerks. In that case, you need to use the Full version.

Web Version User/Pass

Username: Patron5

Password: PiratesAhoy

Web Release (Compressed): Haven's Port (novusadventures.com)

Web Release (Full): Haven's Port (novusadventures.com)

Downloadable Release (Compressed)




Downloadable Release (Full)




Build 14 Release Notes:

Build 14 primarily focuses on building up the Fleet Faction. It adds a similar level of Faction content to what Build 13 added for The Order of the Rose, a full dozen scenes, some of them quite long and all of them repeatable to some level or another. The other 4 scenes of the build, per patron voting, focused on adding a few more Chastity Scenes.

Fleet Faction: Unlike the Order of the Rose, the Fleet Faction is made up of three separate branches. The Adventurer's Guild, The Raid Fleet, and the Espionage Service. Each of them now have their own locations and their own leaders!

The Adventurer's Guild: Specialized in monster subjugation, this is one of the riskiest occupations on the Isles. Adventures go into danger knowing that monsters won't kill them, do to a Blessing on them...but that they might do...other things, if the adventurers lose their fights. Don't worry, running away is always an option!

The Raid Fleet: Responsible for guarding the waters around the Isles, as well as attacking ships identified by the Espionage Service as enemy vessels, the crews of these ships work hard and party harder.

The Espionage Service: Made up of those willing to...make use of their natural assets to acquire information...the espionage services wheedles information out of nobles, makes contact with information brokers, and more. All in the service of the Isles. It takes a certain type of person to be okay with everything they need to do, though...

New Chastity Content - The Market - You can now wander the Market on the Main Island while in chastity, triggering two new possible scenes.

New Chastity Content - Rose Aclyote - Some new opportunities for a Rose Acolyte who has found themselves stuck in chastity for whatever reason, have appeared!



George Lever

Again, with the hat! :P


*slaps forhead* Doh. Fixed it in the online versions. And the hi-speed download versions I'm about to send out (Can't believe I forgot to do that, too, ugh).