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Alright! I technically ended the polls slightly early. But no one had added any votes in a day or so anyway, even with the reminder I tacked onto the last Progress Report, so I honestly figured I was pretty safe. So, onward with the results!

Short Story:

This one caught me off guard. Not about which story won, per se, but more by the near landslide victory it took. Apparently, you guys and gals REALLY liked the Cursed Collar story :-p. Well, I think it was one of my better recent ones, too, so that's fine by me! Doubly fine since I may have seen the way the poll was trending...and gone ahead and written it. It actually just needs an editing pass and it'll be done already! Anyway, even though I just said which story won, I know some people will prefer to see the numbers (out of curiosity if nothing else). So...


Cursed Collar Contiuned: 117.5

Galactic Nomad: 42.5

Mass Effect: Final Error: 38

Andrea of the Silver Key: 20

The Long Haul:15


As you can see, I wasn't joking about how big the gap was. Cursed Collar literally scored higher than the combined total of all the other votes. Well, hopefully the follow-up lives up to everyone's clear hopes for it! Expect to see it up in the next day or two. I've technically already done one editing pass through it, but there was some major places where I flip-flopped tense that needed to be corrected. Enough so that I want to give it another pass after walking away from it for a day or so. 

Comic/Mixed Media Short

This one was less of a shock, with 75% of the vote going for another addition to Silas Station. I honestly kinda figured that was going to happen and I've got a loose plan sorted out for it, including a couple of new assets. I haven't started actual rendering for it yet, though. I'll try to get on that later today. Since one of the assets doesn't have an Iray version, I'm a little concerned about render times, which is actually what got me to shut down the polls slightly early. I want as much of a running start at the renders for this as possible. 


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