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Whew! It's ready! At least for the initial release. I'm going to warn you up front that I'm expecting bugs. I got a little punch drunk hazy with tiredness while doing the testing/bugfix phase, so I have suspicions I may not have done as solid a job as usual with that. Particularly as I had some very strange bugs/errors this time. It doesn't help that my testing document kinda crashed halfway through the testing process, leaving me without my usual checklists. 

Anyways, though! Aside from the possibility of bugs, I'm pretty happy with the results of this Build. Yes, it's a little bit smaller than normal, with only 14 new scenes. But, given that there was over a week of delay in getting started on it AND the average scene length is over 6 renders per scene this time, I honestly feel I did very good with it.

Now, normally, I don't give much in the way of hints outside the guide. However, this time I am going to warn you that MOST of the new scenes are gated behind becoming an Acolyte of the Order of the Rose. And to do that, you need to hit certain requirements then speak to the Brothel Mistress. In retrospect, I should have given her some dialogue to help you figure out what those requirements are, but I didn't...hence the hint. I'll likely fix that in the next build so it's a bit more obvious to get at. Now, onward to links and release notes!


Note: The compressed version is highly recommended for online play. The only reason you should use the Full version online is if you're using Safari, since Apple are assholes and won't make the WEBM standard work with their crappy browser. If you're that attached to Safari, you'll need to use the Full version. 

Compressed Version





Full Version





Haven's Port Build 13 Release Notes

This build is all about getting a start on more Faction content. Per voting, the Order of the Rose faction got attention first. It got 11 scenes, plus some variants, that cover becoming an Acolyte and the jobs you can take after doing so.  The additional three scenes of the build are all expansions for the Main Island Futa transformation since content for such was more than a little thin. Things that were added are:

A New Character: Ryoia the Mistress of Acolytes. Right now she only serves as a trainer and job giver. In the future she'll get at least some chats and a few additional scenes

Become an Acolyte: Becoming an Acolyte of the Order of the Rose gives you access to more exotic jobs...as well as the ability to work on various higher-end contracts for the Order. More than just a sex worker, by becoming an Acolyte, the main character also becomes a companion, entertainer, and counselor. 

Expansion of Futa Content: In addition to three general futa scenes on the main isle, the Acolyte content also has some support for futa scenes! Not a lot yet, but at least some...which technically makes 5 futa scenes for this build. Over a third of the build, technically! We were due for some expansion with the transformation aspect of the game and this was one area that really needed some bulking up.



George Lever

I haven't actually found any errors as of yet. Mind you I haven't gone full save spam yet with the walkthrough to assist on following all the trees either. That said, I think I hit all the content; so, cautiously optimistic as to a working update maybe.


Yay! Hopefully that's true. Maybe I'm a better programmer while punch-drunk from fatigue?