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Alright. Given that all other rewards have already been released this month, this is less 'progress report' and more 'explanation of where Left Hand Magic is.' 

So, good news first. The prologue content is actually all 100% done. As in, edited, tested, debugged, gallery bits added, etc. I could technically release the prologue as a build right now (well, after building the exes at least). Also fairly good is the fact that, by the end of today, 100% of the renders should be finished for the build. Barring any random transition bits I end up needing.

The less than good news is that I'm not happy with just doing the prologue for what is, for all intents and purposes, the Build 1 release of the game. The intro was really just a teaser and I want Build 1 to be a strong start. Which means that I want to make use of all the renders/animation I have already made. This still won't extend to quite as much content as I originally envisioned for Build 1. But it WILL give a significant boost to the amount of H-content in this first true build. If I released right now, the H-content would only be maybe a dozen stills and a single animation. Finishing what I have will extend that by several more stills and five additional animations. Not to mention adding some character and world-building. 

As I've already mentioned, but I want to be very clear on in case people haven't been paying attention, is that this means I've chosen to delay the release slightly. This does not mean a long multi-week delay. I'm not that kind of developer. Currently, I'm expecting the delay to be roughly 5 days. It may be a day or two more, but I won't let it drag on for more than a week, tops. Since the renders are already done, this is mostly going to be time for me to do the writing, programming, and testing for the additional content. As well as fix the inevitable fucks up that usually happen.

I do apologize for the delay. This was mostly caused by a mix of the holidays and my overachiever nature colliding violently. As always, I will endeavor not to let this happen very often. 



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