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Alright! Time to start posting stuff! I've got the Short Story for this month done and I'm hoping to have the comic done tomorrow (later today, actually). Then I'll be putting nose to grindstone on Left Hand Magic. I've honestly got no idea how that's going to work out, and I'm admitting right now that the game may actually overrun a few days in January. The Holidays have just been too disruptive. That's actually why I've made sure all the other rewards are done BEFORE Christmas, so it will only be just the game build that's a few days late, if it's late at all. 

Anyway, as to the story itself. ME:FE won the poll...but it's a bit shorter than usual. It's still a good 4600 words, but that's lighter weight than I normally aim for with this particular work. Ironically, it actually isn't due to the time pressure I've been feeling all month. I actually fully intended to aim for the full usual length...only to run right into the end of Mass Effect 1. Though, of course, that's not entirely accurate. I've mixed elements of all three games into the story already as things went well off the canon-rails. That said, I hit the equivalent of the end of Mass Effect 1. Which left me with the choice of either stopping there or going oversized. Had I done this story first, I might have gone oversized and called it the holiday extra as well. Unfortunately, I did the holiday extra already (even if I haven't posted it yet), and I'm definitely hurting for time. So....it's a bit shorter than usual. Though honestly about the same length as any of the other shorts usually are. I also like how it turned out fairly well.

Anyway! Story is attached as a PDF, as usual. Also as usual, you can find JUSt the new content, by searching for End Part 8. Enjoy!


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