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Ugh, haven't made as much progress the last few days as I'd hoped -_-. Part of this was because my main monitor is being a little jerk. I spent almost three hours yesterday shopping for a replacement among the black Friday sales. Which probably seems excessive. It's not so much so, though, as it's actually kinda complicated to find a monitor that outputs color-correct and at 4k resolution without paying through the nose. And the color correct thing is super important so that you all don't end up with wonky looking color in the game renders. As it is, you're probably seeing things a little more color-saturated than I do, since my main monitor has been having issues for a while. But the difference shouldn't be too bad, given that I check the renders on other monitors (which aren't great either, but at least they are wrong in different ways). Anyway, on to the progress report!

Haven's Port:

I've lost at least another full day of ground here. Probably a bit more than that. I've done two of the three days for Sylvia, as well as two more scenes with her in the Townhouse's dungeon room. Unfortunately, each of the dates required two full days of rendering, and one took two and a half days. This has accounted for most of the lost progress (along with the monitor issue). At this point, I've kinda expecting only to hit my minimum scene estimate for the month of 17 scenes. I currently have 14 complete, but I have another date to do still...


Almost done. Should be up tomorrow.

Short Story: 

Ughhh...have not had time to get my muse interested in Mass Effect: Final Error. No promises of getting it done before the end of month, but I'm going to try really hard to do so. The Holiday's make December short as it is, without a backlog that needs worked on -_-.



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