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Alright! We're definitely overdue for a Progress Report. I'd intended to do one on the 12th...only to remember that I needed to do the Poll for Mass Effect:Final Error. That poll is still ongoing and running fairly close, so don't forget to vote if you haven't! With that reminder out of the way...

Haven's Port:

I'm cruising along fairly well with Haven's Port scenes, now that I got past the Marketplace set. I've finished six scenes so far, with the first render or two of the seventh still planned for tonight. So far, all of the scenes have been those intending to extend Free Use Collar content to the Main Island. The next set of four are all going to be additional Chastity scenes. After that I'll be tackling Sylvia's scenes. Once those are done, if there is still time, I'll double back to add either some Futa content or a couple more Chastity content scenes. Possibly both. Given that Date Scenes takes more time than regular scenes (and include more renders) it's unsure if I'll get to double back like that at all. I'll have a better idea once I knock out some of the date content.

Short Story:

My attempt to get started on this was fumbled by the realization that I needed to run the poll for ME:FE. That said, I'm also toying with a few ideas for a possible new story. I've been considering something of a twist on the LitRPG genre that's been popular in the last few years. But I haven't decided if it's worth it to give a new series a start, or if I should do a one-shot instead. I kinda don't really want to get wrapped up in another series, given how many of those I already have going between the Comics and Shorts. So I'm currently leaning a bit more towards the one-shot idea. Since Sunday is the one day I don't do any day-job work, I might go over a few of my many story stubs laying around, see if something attracts the attention of my muse enough to become the second short story for the month. 


I've made solid progress here. I've got six renders already done and should be able to get to a seventh later tonight. You can see one of them attached...but I probably won't give many teaser images this time, as I don't want to ruin the finale, as it were! I've had the basic plot to this one outline for a couple of months, so unless there are issues with renders this one should be relatively smooth going. Of course...there are always issues with renders, so that's probably a lie. At least it is on track for now, though! 


These are effectively done, I've just been lazy so far and not added the text. I'll try to do that tomorrow so they can be posted. 



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