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Honestly, this isn't as critical to do this month, as things will be more normal development-wise for November. But I am trying to be better about communicating what's going on. 

First things first. I'm sure you've all realized that the second short from October wasn't released on time. Things just got too chaotic with last-minute issues regarding Left Hand Magic and it fell to the wayside. Then I had a bunch of stuff over the last couple of days, including a doctor's appointment and a bunch of other general life stuff that I'd been putting off due to pouring more time that I'd expected to need into LHM's initial development. I'm all caught up on that sort of stuff though and I managed to get about a thousand words of the short done last night, as well as mapping the full plot for it out. I'm going to make it my primary focus today (once I wake up again, it's about time for me to crash for the day). Hopefully, I'll finish the writing today, and edit/post it tomorrow. 

As for actual November stuff, it's a Haven's Port month. That means that I need to get the polls up soonish. Likely, I'll get all three of them up sometime tonight, so that can get rolling along. I've also already gotten a start on the Wallpaper's for the month, since they were something I could sort of fire and forget while they were rendering and I was running around town catching up on various necessary errands. One of the wallpapers is basically ready, and I'll likely run the other one today while working on the rest of The Long Haul short. After that, I'll be ready to switch over to new Haven's Port renders...though I actually haven't decided fully what to concentrate on there. Normally, I'd have gotten that thought through in advance, sometimes months in advance, but I've been putting so much extra time for the last couple of months into prepping for Left Hand Magic that I only just realized in the last two days that I hadn't figured out what I needed to focus on next for Haven's Port.

Most likely, the answer will be that I focus about half of the rendering for the month on expanding the various altered states. That is to say, transformation content and chastity content, as well as possibly Free Use Collar content. Right now, content for all of those are a bit thin on the ground, so I'd like to beef it up more. Beyond that, I'll likely have people vote on the NPCs to see which one gets a bit of expansion this month. And by a bit, I mean bringing another of them up to the point that Miona is at, that you can not only ask her to be your lover but access multiple dates after that point. Mione is also almost to that point, since I had to expand her for the chastity content. But Fiona, Sylvia, Jazarha, and Louie need expansion...


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