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Wohoo, we're finally settling the last major question for Left Hand Magic! Before I go any farther, I want to stop and explain something. This poll is a BIG DEAL. Aside from the poll about which game was chosen, this is actually the single most important poll for the new game. Why? Because this about more than just the character appearance. I'm giving YOU, my patrons, a BIG say in what this protagonists actually personality will be. While her general background will remain the same, each of the possible characters below has not just a different appearance, but a significantly divergent personality. Read the descriptions carefully before you vote, I've tried to keep the short and to the point. 

And, as one final note, I will warn you that these appearances are not 100% locked down. While the major details will not change from what you see here, minor differences such as a different shade of the same eye color or alternate tattoos for the Bad Girl might be tweaked. Nothing major and mostly mentioned in case anyone wants to make suggestions. Feel free...but understand that final say will be mine ;-). No matter how much I want all of you to be involved, I have to live with whatever the end result is.

Now, here are the three options. I apologize for you having to click on them, but as I've mentioned before, Patreon is stupid and doesn't let you add images to polls -_-. Just in case the links don't work for anyone, I'll also be attaching the examples to the post.


The Bad Girl 


She's tough. She's had to be to become a battle mage in a world that had little use for them. Rough around the edges and occasionally aggressive, she's a tattooed badass with plenty of attitude. But...how much of that attitude is reality and how much a mask?


The Elven Tomboy 


She was a very strange child for an elf maiden. Rather than communing with nature, learning the healing arts, or even taking up the bow....she rough housed with the nearby human boys. Playing in the mud, swordfighting with sticks, pulling pranks...and eventually blowing random things up and getting in trouble for it, after she realized she had a talent for magic. A tomboy and proud of it, she's a spitfire that will cheerfully dive headfirst into trouble...and often someone else ends up having to get her back out of it. It's not her fault, she swears!


Super Curves 


She can't help it that she's so good at blowing things up! What was she supposed to do? Take a bunch of super-hard courses in magics she barely had a talent for? Almost scarily intelligent despite looking...well, a bit like a bimbo really...she's also also got some horrible luck and a bad habit of falling back on her looks to get her out of trouble. Hey, her mother was \a quarter succubus and taught her to use what nature gave her! Or, at least, that's what she tells anyone that tries to shame her for being shameless...


There you have it, guys, gals, and others! I actually don't have a favorite between these three...so I probably won't even vote. Feel free to comment/ask questions! Also, yes, she's anther redhead. So sue me (actually, please don't, I'm poor), I have a type. And the last time I checked for Haven's Port, a lot of you happened to enjoy that type too ;-). 



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