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So, this is just going to be a (hopefully) quick note. I spent a good 6 hours yesterday working on Haven's Port (Plus my day job work, that adds up to a long day)...and I didn't get anywhere near as far as I'd expected. I ended up having to create 5 new renders for things I'd forgotten (exterior of the new house, sleeping in the new house, things like that) AND the fiddly bits are killing me by inches. Or, well, it seemed that way.

Essentially, I badly underestimated how long the coding was going to take this build. Normally, given the simplicity that is TWINE, I can hammer out the code(just the code, not the writing) in a day or two, tops. Unfortunately, I spent like 2 and half hours last night just on updates for the new wardrobe outfits, and I didn't even finish those. It's not that they are even hard they are just time-consuming as all get out. I have to add code to so many places, in little fiddly chunks, to implement new clothing at this point. And I really didn't realize that fact until I was actually doing it. Long story short, I've halted everything else in order to pour as much time into Haven's Port as I can...and I'm still not sure it's going to release on time. It shouldn't be more than a day or so late, if it's late at all, but I wanted to at least warn everything that such might end up being the case. 


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