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Holy shit, Chastity Quest is...done? I mean, it's still uploading (sorry guys, not going to be available until tomorrow, since I want to get multiple download options up first). But, I mean...it's done done. Like, aside from any bug fixes, I've completely 100% finished the game. A game which may actually set a record for the number of sex scenes in any graphical game. Not sure on that, and I'm not making any claims about quality, but in all the many adult games I've played over the years I've never seen a graphical game which even comes close. I mean, I don't have an exact count right this moment (I'm planning to make one when I do the walkthrough), but I think I hit somewhere around 300 unique sex scenes. There may be graphical games out there that hit that number, but if there are, I don't think I've played them...

Anyway, it's been a long...1 year, 8 months, and 14 days since the official start of the development. Technically, I'd done a lot of proof of concept work in the month or so before that as well. But that's the figure for the official start of development to now. Thanks for sticking with me folks, the final release build (excepting any patches for bug fixes) will be up tomorrow (the 31st)!

Also, dear mother of waffles, I will be happy never to see Skyrim or Visual Novel Maker ever again. Well...eventually I may be able to play Skyrim again without hating its very existence. Someday. Maybe. Visual Novel Maker will make me cry every time I open it for a bug fix though. 


George Lever

That's ok, just think, TES 6 will be out in the next *checks calendar* 5-10 years, so by then you'll be able to repress the pain.


That's being a bit generous ;-). There's a good chance that halfway through they'll decide to repurpose all the assets for another Skyrim remake instead...