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Alright, everyone! Time to start revealing the trio of New Game concepts I have for everyone to choose between. While this one bears a similar name to a previous concept, the concept is very different, so please give it your full consideration :-).

One note of warning! Everything involved with this description is extremely early concept stuff and subject to change. You will, in fact, note that some bits aren't even fully defined. This is on account of the fact that I can't just buy assets willy-nilly for all the possibilities of each game. I have a few sample assets to use for each concept, with more to be added only once a single game is chosen.

-----------------------------------Wayfarer Station----------------------

Most of your family sucks. You might have been born into affluence, but that fact has brought you nothing but trouble! Desperate for an escape, when one of the few members of your family you actually liked dies and unexpectedly leaves you his space station...you're only too eager to get the hell out of your situation, even if that means heading to the frontier. 

When you arrive, you discover that Wayfarer Station is a modestly prosperous station that sits at the crossroads of three major trade lanes! But, it's also experiencing some problems due to a power vacuum at the top. Your Uncle wasn't the only one that died in the accident that took him too soon, after all! Thankfully, there are still a few solid crew members and other locals around to help you make the station a success! The fact that all of them are beautiful women does make you a bit suspicious about what kind of man your uncle really was, though...

Major Characters

Your Assistant - One of the few remaining command staff of the station, Sera has been trying to keep things running until you arrived. As serious and hardworking on-duty as she is beautiful, she can be counted on to handle the day-to-day details of running the station. But off-duty she can be quite a handful, though perhaps a fun handful if you don't mind landing in all sorts of compromising situations. (Note - she is the redhead featured in the renders)

The Merchant - The owner of the single largest shop on the station and an old friend of your uncle's. Areithal is far older than she looks, a member of a long-lived species that counts their lifespan in millennia. She's happy to meet her friend's favored heir and willing to help them get their station sorted out! Now...if only that largest shop on the station wasn't a sex emporium and brothel! (Note - She's the pink alien featured in the renders)

The Lieutenant - The Lieutenant may not be the ranking member of the Station Security Forces...but she is your assigned liaison to that organization. Mischievous and flirty, you're pretty sure they assigned her to you so she would stop causing fist-fights and lethal erections in the rest of the department. Note - Race not yet assigned, though either she OR the Engineer will be baseline human. May or may not be a futa, depending on Patron voting. 

The Engineer - You aren't really sure at first why a hopeless clutz is working in engineering...until you see her assemble a working reactor from spare parts in just under ninety seconds. Which doesn't mean she isn't going to end up stuck and calling for help at regular intervals... Note - Race not yet assigned, though either she OR the Lieutenant will be baseline human. May or may not be a futa, depending on Patron voting.

What Type of Game is This?

Of the three games on offer, this one would be the most like my other work, in that it will be a bit more free-roam than a traditional VN. Indeed, in a lot of ways it would be better to call it a dating sim with VN elements. Each of the main girls will be pursuable as romantic interests, with their own 'routes,' but you'll be free to pursue each of them as you wish (or don't wish). There will also be a number of minor NPCs who will serve, particularly in the early game, to provide sex scenes, since most of the girls won't jump straight into bed with you...

Also! Your choices will matter, I hate kinetic novels with a passion, so the choices you make throughout the game will significantly influence endings. From who you end up with to how successful you are at running the station, choices will influence which endings will be available to you!

Kink/Fetish Content

This game will feature the following for absolutely sure:

Chastity Play with at least one major character

Bondage Content with multiple characters

Threesomes/Harem Content

This game MAY include the following content type as well:

Transformation Content for individual characters

Futa Content (subject to voting)


Well, those are the basics of this concept folks! Feel free to ask questions or make comments! I'm hoping to have all three concepts up by roughly the 20th of the month!



George Lever

Interesting concept, is this aiming more at a resource management style, or a gated cutscene style (i.e. choose option a to open options a1 and a2, but close options b and c forever)?


Sorry I took a bit to answer this, but I was trying to decide what you were asking exactly, as there are two ways you could mean 'resource management.' In the end, I figured I'd just answer for both. If you mean in the sense of managing the station as a resource-management game, where you administer the station and build it up. That, while it's something I actually did consider, was something I decided against. The whole reason I'm moving to a VN/Dating Sim game this time around is that I found managing two extremely complex games simultaneously to be...draining and problematic. As such, I'm targeting the new game to be simpler in execution, as well as doable in a 1 to 1.5 year time frame. On careful consideration, I couldn't come up with a way to do it as a resource management game while sticking to those factors as the target. The other way you could mean 'resource management' is due to my description of this as, at least in part, a dating sim. In those cases, some dating system use resource management (money, time, etc.) as part of their core game loop, creating the possibility of outright failure to get any good ending at all if you fail to manage the resources right, or split yourself to widely. This has actually always been a type of game I personally dislike playing and was thus never in the running as a possibility. Likewise the answer to the gated cutscene style isn't quite straightforward. While essentially, it's intended to be a game along that general vein (the VN component, as it were), With this SPECIFIC game, I'd be aiming not to cut off one girl's route if you choose another as happens in some VNs. While SOME content will be gated, the majority of that will be either events that you must choose one girl to experience it with, or else internal choices to each girl's route. In example, one of the girl's might be a switch and you might lock or unlock some of their content by choosing to be predominantly dominant or predominantly submissive in actions with them. That choice naturally locking the inverse options as a result. As I whole, courting one girl won't result in another being locked, however. Unless specific choices are made with that INTENTION by the player. Or at least, that's what I'd like to say. The truth is that, doing it that way may be partial impossible. Essentially, that is the ideal I'll be shooting for, but may fall short of that if it interferes with the needs of/for a compelling story. But on the whole, it's intended for each girl to actually represent her own complete story, all of which revolve around a series of events on the station that will serve as the nucleolus they are spiraling around. If that makes sense... *Edit* Comparable well-known games would be Mythic Manor, Harem Hotel, House in the Rift, or even Summertime Saga.