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Whew! This is seriously late, huh? Well, hopefully my unexpected inclusion of that bit of art makes up for it a bit! I was never very happy with the piece I made to go with Galactic Nomad, so I've been working a tiny bit at a time (usually less than 10-15 minutes here and there) on a better piece for Saryia! I've not exactly had time to get very far on it, which is why it's still only line work. And even the linework is going to be altered a bit more before I move on to coloring, I think. Though the changes will be extremely minor ones, just some small changes to her suit.

Anyway! The story itself is attached as a PDF as usual. I'm...not unhappy with it? The truth is I'm not 100% happy either, as this 'episode' is actually sort of a bridge between the previous one and the next one. The first third or so of it is actually content that I'd have liked to include in the previous episode of the story, but it didn't work out that way. And the information did need to be included, so this story is the result. Which isn't to say this episode is bad by any means, I'd never release it if it was. It's just not as...robust? I guess that's a suitable word? As the previous episodes. That said, it's also setting things up for an episode I'm looking forward to the next time it gets updated...



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