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There's a couple of important/new things to touch on before I talk about the build..so...

------------------------IMPORTANT PLEASE READ-----------------------
As most of you hopefully know, there was a serious issue with this build, caused by a non-optional update to the Visual Novel Maker Engine. It caused ALL images in the game to be broken and I had to manually fix over 2000 image and video links. Despite my best efforts, I almost certainly missed some. If you encounter a blank image where you don't think there is supposed to be one, or an image(s)/video(s) that is/are obviously wrong for the specific scene, PLEASE REPORT THEM. I can't possibly test the entire game solo at this point, so I'm counting on you all to report any issues!

-------------------Experimental/Prototype Game Patch-------------------

The only GOOD thing that came out of the forced engine update, is that it's now theoretically possible for me to make patches to update previous versions of the game. I can't do that retroactively, but starting with this build I've made an extremely experimental patch that should be able to update version 11 to version 12. This patch has not been tested significantly. In theory, it should work, and I did test a couple of the new scenes with a copy of the game which used the patch method. If anyone wants to test it, please let me know how well it works! Currently, since this is highly experimental, I've only made a patch available for the Windows version of the game. This is a BIG DEAL, since the game is now over 10gb...and the patch is only 1.6gb!

Applying the Patch : To Apply the Patch, simply download the Patch File, unzip it somewhere, then copy the folder CONTENTS (not the folder itself). Copy/Paste the contents into your copy of Build 11 and allow it to Overwrite All. In theory, this will update the game to Build 12. Though, the folder will remain labeled Build 11 unless you change it (which you can if you want, it won't hurt anything).


Alright, with those announcements out of the way...I'm only unhappy with this build because it was supposed to be larger. The original goal was 35 scenes, overhauls of character and credits menu, fix of the blacksmith issue, and the addition of town music to major areas. Because of the above-mentioned issue, the actual contents of the build are:

30 New Scenes
Overhaul of the Character Menu
Fixed Blacksmith (I hope)

So, five scenes short of the original goal, as well as no music and no credits menu overhaul. That said...I'm very happy with the scenes I did manage to get into the build. All new scenes are for the new hub area, advancing the story beyond New Landing. I'm extremely pleased with how the College of Allund is shaping up....and I'm finally getting the chance to throw in some hints of the plot twists that were always planned for this game! I cannot possibly tell you how relieved I am to get beyond the sprawling confines of New Landing, which was always designed to be the largest single area of the game...but not necessarily the story-driven parts of it. I hope you all enjoy the new area...and the three new Major Characters introduced ;-). You can read more details in the Release Notes, below the links!


Web Build: novusadventures.com/CQBuild12/
Username: Patron 5
Password: MagicBoobsAhoy!

Windows Download

Google Drive
Anon Files

Mac Download

Google Drive
Anon Files

Workaround/Offline Web Version
Note, this version is for those that can't get other versions to work for one reason or another. It is, essentially, just the browser version from the Web Build, made downloadable. It is confirmed to work on Windows, Mac, and Linux...but it requires you to disable the CORS security feature of your browser. Do so only at your own risk!

Google Drive

Experimental Build 11 to Build 12 Patch!

Google Drive

Build 12 Release Notes:

Build 12 contains an entirely new hub area! The College of Allund adds 3 major characters, 30 new sex scenes, and several new bits of story!

New Area - The College of Allund is the next major quest hub of the game. Meaning it is now possible to actually finish up any of the three routes through New Landing and move onward in the story! Make sure you're done in New Landing, though! You won't be returning! There are/will be several minor impacts on the game depending on which route you take to leave new landings, as well. Though currently the only real effects are if you take the Thief Route or another option, and the differeces are minor.

New Major Characters - This build introduces Delinna the Librarian, Avinea the Cursed/Blessed magic specialist, and Melieana the Battle Mage. These are three of the four Major Characters for the College of Alllund, and each of them will be more individually/deeply developed than any previous character! Each one has jobs/favors you can do for them...and things to spend the accrued Favor on!

Story Reveals! Avinea, in particular, has quite a bit of information you can earn from her. For the first time, you can get some REAL, SOLID information on Kiralia's situation...

Other Stuff

Character Menu Overhaul! The original Character Menu was ugly as heck. It was originally supposed to be temporary...and I've finally gotten around to replacing it with a much better-looking version!

Blacksmith Overhaul - The Hope's Rest Blacksmith has been a major source of issues from the beginning, and previous attempts to fix the issues have failed. In build 12, I completely ripped out every freaking line of code/script, and replaced it with an entirely fresh version. While the content is the same, its code has been brought perfectly in line with all other areas of the game. Hopefully, this will finally squash the issues with it!

Code Improvements - I've made some changes to earlier code in the game that will, hopefully, make the speed of transition between scenes less horrible. There will always be a 500ms lag between scenes, because that's built into the engine and my attempts to change that caused major issues in the past. But, hopefully, there are now no delays beyond that.

Credits Menu Updated - While I had hoped to overhaul this menu, I didn't get a chance because of the issues with the build. Even so, I've still added a page for the College of Allund, as well as updated the Patron listings.

Known Issues

- Completely forgot to edit the chats for Delinna and Melieanna :-(. They are likely horribly rough and have lots of grammar/spelling errors T-T. Sorry! I was so focused on fixing the issues as fast as possible that this slipped through the cracks!



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