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Alright, this should be the last progress report before release. The Good news is that, aside from a few incidental lines of text I need to add, the build is done, programming and art wise. The second Good news is that this, scene count wise, may actually be the single largest update since Build 1. Unless I've miscounted, I think there's about 20 scenes. Almost half of those are short-form ones for the mini-game, so overall content-length wise I'm less sure how it stacks up to last month's, but suffice it to say there's a solid amount of content!

Now...the Bad News. While the Build is effectively complete...I haven't even STARTED on the editing/grammar check pass needed to make it not horrible in that regard, nor have I started on testing yet. As such, there's zero chance that the release will be done tonight. On the other hand, since I should get a solid 4 hours or so put in on the editing pass, at least, tonight, there's an excellent chance that it will be out sometime tomorrow evening. The only wild card is the testing for the mini-game. If I did a good job on the code, it may go smoothly...but if I fucked something up (or, for that matter, if there engine can't handle the code without lagging, which I'm a bit worried about given past experiences with this engine) I might be in for a full day or more of bug fixing.

So the nutshell summary is that Build 5 will hopefully be out tomorrow. And, barring major catastrophe, shouldn't be out later than the 2nd. Considering the size I manage to get the build to, despite the SNAFU with so badly underestimating the amount of work the mini-game would be, I think that's pretty good...



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