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Alright, I know I mentioned there would be a new poll soon, but I decided to hold off on putting that up until tomorrow. Today, I wanted to follow up on the bits I mentioned about Chastity Quest's Build 3. I spent some serious time last night and earlier today, going over my plans for New Landing. The problem isn't that I don't have New Landing planned out. I actually have solidly drafted plans for maybe 80% of New Landing's content. And solid outlines of ideas for the other 20%.

No, the issue is the interconnections. 

As you might have noticed (if you bothered to think anything of it), the content for Hope's Rest was all pretty interconnected. In order to say, see all of Urlang the Blacksmith's content, you had to have broken your armor in the ruins at least a couple of times, discovered his secret elsewhere in town, and so on. The same thing will be true of every hub area! It's part of what makes a game feel like a proper setting/developed world, rather than just a series of disjointed scenes. The problem I'm facing now is how to map new Builds in such a way that the pieces can be played when not all of them are there, as it were. Taking a good, hard look at that caused me to revise my plans for the order of implementation a bit.  As such, I now have solid goals outlined for Build 3. The following goals are listed by their order of importance. That is to say, that if not everything gets finished, the stuff at the top of the list will be finished first.

1) Basic Town Screens: This is a no-duh sort of thing. I need to get the central street and the Adventurer's Hall buildings worked out and their screen captures taken. The Adventurer Hall's actual content won't be implemented this build, but it's the logical place for Kiralia to have her Room. With all the features that her room in Hope's Rest had. 

2) The Brothel: This will be one of the major areas to find work in New Landing. It got cherry-picked out of the grouping due to being both the MOST and LEAST connected to all the other bits. Essentially, it's core content (which includes both ways to gain gold and ways to raise/lower the dominance stat) doesn't require the other bits, pretty much at all. The only exception being a way to get out of the belt, which I can put a temporary solution in for IF I NEED TO (Not a cheaty way! But rather a visit to the Dawn's Rose, where a certain sister can be convinced to help). On the other hand, some of the Brothel's EXTRA content requires each other area. In example, several scenes will open up if specific research has been done at the Mage's Guild. And speaking of the Mage's Guild...

3) The Mages' Guild: One of the three 'routes' by which one can make it through this Hub Area and move onto the next, will be centered on the Mage's Guild. I want to get the Guild, it's two major characters, and at least its first couple of quests/missions into the build, if at all possible. That one of those quests/missions unlocks additional Brothel content just makes this a better fit for Build 3, I think.

4)Pony Courier Service: In the somewhat unlikely event that I get this far, the PCS is one of the smaller 'jobs' planned for New Landing. Thus it's a good option to tack on if I have the time. Honestly, I'm not expecting to manage to get to this one...


So, that's the basic plan! Now...let's see just how much of it I can actually get into a single build. I promise to make it as much as I practically can, it's simply early enough days with this game that I'm not entirely sure what that means, yet. Particularly given the changes made to SOME of the scenes, based on patron and public feedback. And, on that note, there was one other thing I wanted to mention. How I currently have things outlined, is that sex scenes related to repeatable JOBS will usually have scenes like the ones I used in Hope's Rest. 2-4 stills, with 40-70 seconds of HD video for each scene. This will allow me to keep making large numbers and variety of scenes. However, Major Character sex scenes, as well as any Quest specific sex scenes, will be adjusted to the longer type of interaction. One's with several stills and one or two short video clips, plus a lot more descriptive text. Current examples being the scenes aboard the Dawn's Rose, or the Bondage Adventure scenes with Seesha in Hope's Rest. I believe this will give us the best balance of variety and quantity while also providing the more in-depth scenes everyone seems to want :-).

And...I think that's everything? Be on the lookout for the new poll to go up sometime tomorrow! 


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