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Alright, everyone! Welcome, new people! Make sure you check out the Patreon's Overview section in order to find all the rewards you now have access to! In particular, the Old Rewards Archive, is filled with quite a few short stories and such at this point, and is pretty easy to miss.

Time for a general status update. My original plan for this month has been a bit derailed by the bugs I've had put so much time into quashing, with Chastity Quest's Build 1. There's always some of that, but the 'stuck' bug in particular was something I didn't see coming and ate away a TON of time in my efforts to fix it. Therefore, I've had to revise my planning a bit. Here are the priorities for the rest of the month.

1) Chastity Quest: I was originally hoping to get the first full follow up build out for patrons this month. With the goal being between 15-20 new scenes. The good news is that I'm still going to put out a patron build this month. The bad news is that I don't have a clue how many new scenes it will contain. I spent yesterday and some time today setting up the needful NPCs and environments to handle exiting Hope's Rest and heading to New Landing. With the attached SS being one of the first I needed, story-wise. I

'm planning to spend a couple of more hours tonight trying to get the remaining visual assets needed for the multiple variants scenes. There will be a Default, plus Sub and Dom specific versions, as well as possibly 1-2 more optional scenes, just for the passage between Hope's Rest and New Landing. Those, I'm 100% confident I can get done. The question is how many more scenes and of what type I'm able to make in New Landing itself...

Short version: This is my #1 priority, to get a patron build with, hopefully, a minimum of 10 new scenes out, and the more the better. That's smaller than my usual target scene count is going to be, going forward, but I'm working with less time than I should normally have...

2) Story Reward: If this was any other month, I'd prioritize this reward. The reason it's getting placed as second fiddle this moth, specifically, is a combination of two factors. First, I really really want to get Chastity Quest a fairly quick update, to get that project building a proper head of steam. Second, the Story Reward voted for this month is a NEW story, which always takes more time and effort to get going. Don't get me wrong, I have a decent outline already made out for The Dungeon of Lewdity: The Beginning, which won handily. It's just that I always have to spend time experimenting with the new characters and what not, trying to get their feel right.

Short version: As my #2 priority, this might see a delay in release, up to a couple of days into April. I never, ever, outright skip rewards, so it WILL be done. I'm simply prioritizing CQ first. It also isn't certain that I won't get both of them done, nicely on time. I'm going to try and work on the story reward in small chunks of free-time, so I can still get it out by end-of-month. I'm just letting everyone know what the priorities will be :-).


One last detail: As I'm sure you all have realized...there can't actually be a DoL poll for next month, since April will have the last Build of DoL, with a new game (either another DoL game or something else, per voting in April), replacing it from May onward. However! While there won't be a DoL Focus Poll, I'm going to be running another poll or two, regarding Chastity Quest feedback.

One will be Public, just a duplicate of the same poll I ran about scene structure in February for Patrons. The Patron version is actually still open, by the way, and the patron poll has far far more weight. Making my patrons happy is much more important to me that making the general public happy. You guys are awesome for supporting me and deserve for your opinions to count more heavily :-p.

The second poll is going to be Patron-Only, and will cover the existence/interest in Futanari characters in the game. Obviously, I included 1 such character in Hope's Rest. And there will be at least one option in New Landing for Kiralia herself to end up with a temporary transformation (it's a popular thing for the people over a TFgames, which is an audience I try to appeal to). The poll will cover how common those types of themes are going to be. With options either for it to be either extremely rare, uncommon, or semi-common. It will never be the primary content type of the game, as it isn't something I myself am overly interested in, but whether it's only 2-3 occurrences in the entire game, one such character in every Hub Area, or some of it in every build, will be up to Patron voting. That poll, in particular, will not have a public version. 


Mod Spolight! The ship I'm using for Transit between Hope's Rest and New Landing is from The Scarlett. So far, I've been impressed with the mod, though it seem to not be supported in LE any longer. The SE Version might be, however. I checked a number of mods before settling on this one, which seems to extremely well made and far more involved. I haven't been able to play the quests yet...but I just might have to, as well as build the port, simply because it's impressed me so far :-). 



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