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Sorry I haven't been reporting back in as often with updates, guys and gals. Between working with the VN maker people trying to track down the 'stuck' background bug in Chastity Quest, trying to finish the DoL update as fast as possible, and dealing with a sudden crash in hours for my contracting work due to side-effects of the Corvid-19 panic, the last few days have been insanely crazy. The crash in hours, sadly, hasn't been a boon to working on the other stuff, since I've frantically been scrambling to find alternative work to try and cover the financial gap. I'm alright in the short term, thankfully, but if the chaos doesn't calm somewhat within a month or so (and it's currently looking like it won't), I'll be in just as much trouble as tens of thousands of other people affected by the mass business shutdowns.

Anyway, I'd actually hoped to have DoL Build 13 up before midnight. Unfortunately, that's not going to happen. I've got maybe another hour of editing to do, plus testing, then mapping the Lewd/Int points (and possibly adding to them, if needed). I might get it uploaded before I crash in the early AM. But it's equally likely it won't be up until tomorrow night. Unless something goes badly wrong, it shouldn't be any later than that, though. 



Stay healthy and hopefully everything works out.


Thank you :-). I'm sure it will, somehow or other. Well, that or this is the start of the zombie apocalypse. In which case, I will deeply regret my failure to stock up on toilet paper. May you be healthy and safe either way!