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*Edit* Doh! Apparently I uploaded the wrong Walkthrough copy. I reuploaded the correct version. Thanks to Dark Jade for messaging me about it still being the older file! Though it does make me wonder how many people actually played this if no one said anything until now... Excuse me while I go pout in a corner with a raincloud over my head :-(. *

Whew! Build 1 is finally properly here, after a god awful number of delays and issues, most of them beyond my ability to anticipate. I do apologize, by the way, for this not being out last night. The truth is that the build was actually done last night...but I ended up having to spend 3 freaking hours on editing it, since there's no easy way to do that in the engine, and I kinda didn't figure that into my time table. Add in over two hours of upload time and...well, it is what it is. 

Now, this particular post is going to be Patron Only. In a few days I'm make another, public post. I need a little time to both update the Walkthrough, and possibly poke and prod at the stat gains to balance them a little. No major changes to the build beyond this point, however! Of course, this will also give a chance for you lot to (hopefully) report any major bugs so I can squish them, as well. Of note, this is about the size you can expect for future monthly releases! The goal for monthly releases is between 15-20 scenes. Hence why this one took so long...since it has 55 it's basically three months' worth of content -_-. Plus some initial time to get everything set up and planned out in the first place... 

Anyway, since this is Patron Only, I'm just going to make a short changelog instead of a Full Build 1 Release Notes, since you guys and gals have already seen a lot of what would be covered in the full release notes anyway. Which has nothing to do at all with the fact I'm exhausted and desperately want to go to bed...

ONE MAJOR NOTE before I get to the links. I highly recommend you do NOT use the Skip function. The engine itself seems to have a bug that sometimes gets a background 'stuck' if you use the skip function, meaning that it will pop up on top of every scene. I know this is a pain in the ass, but there's literally nothing I can do about it, as both I and a bunch of other developers have complaints into the Visual Novel Maker team about the issue...and they've refused to respond so far -_-. So, use the skip function at your own risk. It fucks up saves, too, so reloading won't help you if it happens...





There are 17 new scenes present in this full Build, that were not in the earlier patron-only release. Bringing the unique sex scene count up to 55. ALL planned content for Hope's Rest, baring only the exit scenes to get you to New Landing, are now in this build. Or they should be. Let me know if you find any places that claim they are still missing something. I swear it seems like I'm forgetting one...

New Scenes are located generally in the following places:

The Farm - This is a new major location, you have to find it through gameplay. Details will be in the walkthrough but the short form is that you need to Adventure with Kiralia Unbelted. Doing so has a 50% chance of triggering the scene that will open up The Farm. 7 of the new scenes are here, sort of. One is the scene leading here, which is triggered off the Adventuring Job. Another two are can only be found if you have discovered certain preferences of Jillian's. (Hint: Talk to Jillian with high lust and use the option that unlocks!)

The Inn - You can now Drink at the Inn. There are five new scenes. Four are random results, the fifth is a belted/unbelted major variant on one of the random scenes. 

The Lust Effect - Introducing an entirely new game system! When Kiralia's LUST score is above 75%, she is at risk of making rash decisions...or having them made for her by the belt! There are 2 Belted and 3 Unbelted scenes that can be triggered this way. Again, there is some random chance involved. Scenes can only be triggered when walking TO the village from another location (scenes occur in the village area). 

I've also made various bugfixes and fixed a few images and typos...and ungraded to the Beta version of the game client. I was reluctant to do that for stability reasons...but it really helped the performance even farther. So, unless it causes major problems, I'll likely stick with it... 




The mac link appears to be dead.


That's because I removed these, since the Public Build has bugfixes in it that this one didn't! Also...my mega storage was almost full -_-. Anyway, since you commented on the post with the public release, I'm going to assume you found the right post :-p.