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Alright, everyone, I don't want anyone to be surprised about this later, so I'm going to explain a few things. First, before anyone freaks out, there will be a Left Hand Magic build this month. It's just that I can't exactly make promises about how big it will be. Likewise, all other rewards will still happen, but there may be some delays here and there.

The reason for the uncertainty is because all the health/dental stuff I've been dealing with since February of this year is finally coming to a head. On July 9th, I will be undergoing a fairly major oral surgery procedure. One that will extract four front teeth and do a biopsy on a cyst they found below one of them. They don't think the cyst is anything cancerous, but they have to check, because it did grow to the point that it literally punched a hole through my jawbone via erosion. This sort of wrecked the stability of those front teeth, hence why they are removing them all. A week of healing after that I will be going to my regular dentist to get a temporary bridge that will span from canine to canine to replace those teeth. Then I have 2-3 months of healing, before they can replace the temporary bridge with a permeant one. That, of course, is assuming that they don't find anything horrible when they do the biopsy of the cyst.

The buildup to all of this, which all comes with roughly a $12,000 out-of-pocket price tag I ended up having to take a loan out for half of, is why I ended up on anxiety meds -_-. I also have no idea how I'm going to be feeling, either physically or mentally, while healing from the initial surgery. I'm expecting to be pretty out of it for most of the week between the surgery and temporary bridge being placed, with the understandable result that I have zero clue how much work I'll get done during that time.

I'm going to be spending the next few days hammering through Talia's remaining 2 days of weekday content for Week 6. But then I'll be off for surgery and won't have a good idea how much more I'll get done later in the month. I'll run a poll as usual, starting tomorrow, which will let people vote on which route I work on later in the month. But I have zero clue how much of that Route will get done. I expect I'll get at least some additional done, but how much is a question I legitimately can't answer right now. I will keep progress reports going every 4 or so days, like I usually do, so that you all will have some idea how things are progressing. But this is basically an admittance that you should expect this build to be at least somewhat smaller than the last.

That's...about the size of things. Sorry that this will effect content releases guys, but it's the sort of 'life is fucking me over royally and thoroughly' that I literally can't do anything about :-(. So...yeah.



You should prioritize yourself.