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Had a tech scheduled for yesterday. Waited all day, but when it got close to the time limit, called the company (Optimum), and they told me that the date of my appointment was scheduled, but the time frame hadn't been entered, so it didn't go through. Now I have to wait until the 16th for the next available tech. In the interim, my wife and I signed up for the T-Mobile 5G WiFi, but that won't be here until Wednesday. If it works even somewhat close to what we had, going to change providers.

Going to upload a couple chapters tomorrow, though, from somewhere else with WiFi.



I still suggest keeping a few chapters in reserve. As much as I'd love bulk chapters I'd much rather have a set release time.

Andrew Webb

In Canada we have only a handful of providers that collaborate to fix prices high and lobby the government hard so they can crush any small upstarts. Means shit service that doesn't get any better when you switch.

Nathan Victor McGraw

Andrew that’s all of North America for example our top package 1gig connection for most places is the base package in Asia ie South Korea 15$ a month cause they have tons of isps

Patrick C

I'm not sure about patreon but I know some platforms let you schedule releases in advance.

Derek Walker

With some more time to wait, it's fun to speculate on what Reivyn's effective stats will look like at Max Tier 2, in the best case scenario. (On the last no internet post, I did the calculations for what his minimum effective stats will look like at Max Tier 2. Assuming Reivyn figures out his bloodline stat level gains before tier 3 (Kyfe confirmed they exist we just don't know how he will get them, or what the increases will be), and assuming it's the same as his bloodline activation (+3 all stats, see chapter 1) then that will accrue +270 all stats for 90 levels. I also assume Reivyn will get about +30 in achievements for mental and physical stats and +20 LUCK/CHA. (Not implausible, remember Reivyn got +16 from soloing the first 2 levels of the dungeon and + 10 All Stats for defeating a Tier 4 at Tier 1.) This puts his effective achievements at: STR 84 INT 84 VIT 84 MAG 84 DEX 84 CLA 84 CHA 56 PER 84 LUCK 65 This lowers stat requirements by 661 for Mental Stats and 577 (if CHA does not count) for Physical Stats Finally, assume his achievement that permanently lowers class requirements is a +20% boost to how the system reads his stats for class change purposes. Combining all of this leads to effective stats at Max Tier 2 of (round down) STR 2037 INT 2205 VIT 2090 MAG 2564 DEX 1976 CLA 2130 CHA 1255 PER 2128 LUCK 1230 Total 17622

Derek Walker

For reference, his mom would have had effective total stats of about 2500-3000 at the end of Tier 2, and about 9000 at the end of Tier 3. As usually no one does better than R/R/E going into T4 or has a much stronger bloodline than his mom's, then we can consider this to be close to a normal cap. (If we are being technical, his mom never upgraded her bloodline at tier 3, so if the upgraded bloodline is around +3 Mental/Physical +1 LUCK/CHA (non retroactive) then maybe the upper cap is close to around 11,000)


Any update?

Christine Thomas

Can’t you just use your hotspot from your phone until you gat everything up and running. That is what I do when I have internet problems


It’s from your service provider. If you have one or not. Sadly looks like no chapters today?


I haven't been able to get away from the kids all day. I'll still post a chapter, but it will be later than I originally wanted it to be.

Derek Walker

We are going to get all the missing chapters when he uploads them, its not like we just aren't getting chapters for those days. Besides, this is the most productive patreon I am subscribed too, in terms of chapters produced, except possibly for MelasD who uploads less Salvos content but also has 3 other stories he writes too lol.


Posting 5 days a week, 2 more than RR I think Kyfe has earned some goodwill and time off 😝

alex bozdog

man isn't missing the days we will just get them in bulk when his internet works again.

alex bozdog

While I agree with a your approximations I think that is a lowball of the actual Max. I don't know how high the true max would be but consider that he can get his new bloodline to level as well, true the required EXP for that is monstrous but it can happen depending on how the runic massive spell plays out. If this new level of the bloodline also has bonus stats based on benchmarks we could see him gain a lot of extra stats

Derek Walker

Totally agree the extra bloodline milestones could be a big factor, but I was honestly thinking that's for late tier 3 or tier 4 territory. Reivyn thinks he needs a 1000x more experience to reach the first milestone, so 100,000,000 per milestone. Does that mean he gets 1000x the original stat increase. a +3000/1000 would have him surpass Refix stat wise at tier 2 so it can't be that. If its only 100x the stat gains we are still talking +300/+100, which seems a little underwhelming since its not proportional, but that's also roughly 50% increase to all but reivyn's MAG stat, which again just seems too big to be in play right now.


any updates?