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Guy steps into the Kitty Burger and sits down in an empty booth. It's early and the lunch rush has yet to hit, so the place is fairly empty.  The buttery smell of fried junk food hangs so heavy in the air that he feels like he's gaining weight just being in the building.

The girls behind the counter are checking him out, no doubt curious as to why he sat down without ordering.  But they don't linger long.  Guy figures they may have been told who he is and why he's here. 

They aren't staring at him, but he does a double take himself as he notices a few more of the girls milling about.  Guy can't help but notice all the employees are gorgeous young women, not so much as a seven in the bunch. He's been in strip clubs with less attractive staff.  There's clearly some discrimination going on in the hiring process here, but that really isn't Guy's concern. He just wants to get this meeting over with and get out.

One of the girls comes up to him, a little redhead with perky breasts and a chipped tooth.  Name tag says "Abbey."  She looks and sounds as bored as Guy feels.  She says Mr. Cole will be with him shortly and asks if she can get him anything while he waits. Guy can't imagine a thing on the menu he'd dare ingesting so he just asks for coffee.  Guy watches her ass as she walks away, and after a few minutes Mr. Cole finally joins him at his table. 

Cole is a thick little man that drips with sleaze.  Guy has met him a few times through his father, and has always hoped each time would be the last.  Cole wants membership in the local country club and needs a recommendation.  Guy's dad is his best shot, but Cole hasn't had any luck persuading him on his own.  Which is why this meeting is taking place. 

Cole launches into his sales pitch.  Honestly the man isn't a bad speaker and he's making solid points as to why he feels he deserves membership. The problem is that Guy couldn't care less about the ambitions of this hirsute little scuzzball.  He just wishes there was a tactful way to say "Get to the bribe, and I'll decide from there."

Cole glances out the corner of his eye and his whole face lights up.  He says that Guy's complimentary meal has arrived.  Guy is about to say that he'd rather attempt to eat a live rat than anything that might be on that tray, but then he notices the server.

Or, more to the point, he notices the server's tits.  They are without a doubt the biggest he's ever seen.  Bria Martin was the previous reigning champion, but these blow hers out of the water.  Guy is so awestruck that noticing the rest of her is attractive as well seems like an afterthought. 

Cole thanks her, calls her "Courtney."  She sets down the food and walks away.  Guy's jaw is still hanging open.  Cole leans forward, a knowing smirk on his face.  He says that if Guy can talk to his father on his behalf, he may be able to arrange a chance to get to know Courtney better. 

Guy decides right then and there that he'll do whatever it takes to get Cole that recommendation, so the two of them start talking details. 





I've been wondering when you were going to do another one of these lol


hahah DAAAMMMMMMMMMMMMMMNNNNN those humongo-tits. Not normally my thing, but there's something about these just MASSIVE mounds that I like.


Holy SHIT, okay, THIS is going to be a DELIGHT


Spectacular. Can't wait for more

Stanley Kuo

I am probably in the minority but I'd like to see more women drawn like a Victoria's Secret model. These tits are too big for me haha.


To be honest, i don't like big tits like this, not my thing. Still,the story has attracted me, and i want to know where is this going. Hope Guys have a good time.


Nice to see that Guy is back and going after a HUGE tit waitress this time around. I'm curious now in the switch universe, what rank would Courtney's tits have out of all the other female characters? Think their even a match for Sylvia's. Will have to wait until she's topless to find out.


I may end up doing more than ever now. I have a lot of characters I'm dying to get to and Switch still has a good 20 pages left. This really scratches that itch in the meantime.


Hey it's cool I know this extreme body type isn't for everyone, that's why most of the new characters are relatively small compared to the standard set by Casey and Bria. Courtney being the obvious exception.


Hey good to hear the story has your interest. I'm aware that huge tits is simply one of my personal favs and not everyone is going to be into it as much as I am. That's why I've tried to tone down the chests on most of the new girls other than Courtney here.


I'd say she and Sylvia are about the same, and they have the biggest tits for their body types in the entire town. Casey and Bria would be considered "big" where as the other girls would be considered about average. So far "small" tits aren't really a thing in my comic but that may change sometime.

Bob Fink

She would definitely give Sylvia a run for her money in the big tit category and I'm curious just what Guy has in mind for those tasty looking tits :D

Olympian Comics

These are great! In a strange way I feel that these are easier to read on a weekly release than a comic page. Also, glad to see Courtney in a story!


Hey glad the format work well for you! After this story I have more on the way. :)