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Strange as this sounds, that dick in panel two is one of the better dicks I've ever managed in my opinion.

Talk about sentences I never thought I'd type in my entire life, let alone share with others on the internet. :P




I WANT THAT DICK I mean... um, I want to HAVE that dick. I MEAN I WISH THAT MY DICK LOOKED LIKE THAT. yeah, that's what I meant.


Also you are KILLING it with the Sylvia boob-squish lately. Though now she's cross-contaminating another dude's sperm onto this dude's penis :).


You've nailed every part of this. Can't help but notice you've even added texture to the rim of his glans in the close-up. Nice detail!


Its always nice to see an update from you Reinbach, I'm just sad that this story is in its final chapter. I have so many questions!


Whelp... I'll be in my bunk. Great work as always, can't wait to find out how she got into this predicament!

Bob Fink

I never thought I'd ever say this either but I agree that is one amazing Dick! Although I find this page to be very hot, I'm not sure how I feel about seeing Casey as a sub.....


Thanks for coming with me as I continue my surprisingly deep and rewarding journey towards drawing better cocks! :D


Hopefully at least most of them are answered by the end! And even when Switch is over you can bet I'll still be making comics. :)


You mean Sylvia as a sub? It certainly is out of character for her I'll agree!

alex baker

who is the main character of the next comic?


Man, NOW I'm wondering what this guy's like that he's making SYLVIA call him 'Master'. Hopefully we'll get some history as to how these two met.


Also, your line about "Wow that's probably the best penis I've ever drawn" reminds me of an anime I saw... An artist at an adult game studio said more or less that exact thing, and spent a couple pages lamenting that due to Japanese censorship laws she'd need to slap a mosaic over her beautiful penis.


It will be an ensemble cast actually. Though the characters that prove to be popular will get more focus.

King of Hearts

Ho damn. That is fucking HOT. *_* Also, that sentence got me. Hilarious. XD

Squid Hills

It is so strange seeing Sylvia in a submissive role... I'm so used to her calling the shots, no matter who she is with.


I can imagine so! But I can say that her attitude change has an explanation on the way.