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Despite all the Star Wars work I've done, there are still plenty of alien races left for me to take on for the first time.  For example, Faustia here is my first shot at a true Sith.  This particular universe certainly isn't lacking in variety. :)

I heard a rumor this week that Knights of the Old Republic is getting a reboot. It's certainly an exciting prospect, though my excitement is somewhat tempered by the fact that Bioware's last game, Mass Effect: Andromeda, clearly released before it was finished. Let's hope the recent backlash from fans has taught them a lesson about cutting corners from here on out.     




Again, if you were the artist behind the True Sith I'd probably play them more when I played TOR. Also YAY FOR KOTOR! I just hope they hit it home this time around, Bioware's streak has been thoroughly disappointing lately.

Bob Fink

Can you say so nailed the look! She's awesome, very well done :D


Gorgeous! Is there any skin color you HAVEN'T drawn, now? Any sexy yellow-skinned chicks out there? Orange? Maybe a purple? There's a project for the next commissioner :).


Hey, awesome! Granted, the Sith Purebloods are an appealing flavor of dangerous.

Walter L.

I guess we all know that it's not really Bioware responsible for the MEA fuckups, same as it wasn't their fault that DA2 had such serious flaws. It's all down to EA forcing them to push games on the market, before they are actually finished. Unlike CDProjekt Red, BW simply doesn't have the power to decide they need another 3-5 months to finish their game. If you look at the raw amount of content Andromeda has and then that the budget was a relatively moderate 30-40 millions, I mean, I was actually surprised. In a way it was even EA that was to blame for the ME3 ending. The stupid kid was like a last minute decision after the originally planned ending had been leaked. And I'm pretty sure that the 3 colour ending was also due to simply not having the time to animate more diverse ending. IMO, if EA continues to force BW to publish unfinished games, the studio will go the way of other EA owned developers, like Westwood or Origin.

Walter L.

Stupid double post


She looks awesome and I like the pure white lingerie she has on, which stands out real well with her dark red skin. Even better that she looks busty :3. Its pretty cool that the shadow is over the top part of her body. You should make a calendar with all the SWTOR girls you've drawn so far. Btw, how many of the different races have you drawn from the Star Wars universe now?

Squid Hills

Faustia looks gorgeous! You did an incredible job on her!


I agree, they really need a big hit. I just hope they don't slack ass on this one just because the license and legacy of the TOR series alone all but guarantees they'll at least make their money back, no matter how buggy and unfinished they release it as.


I drew a Starfire pic here a couple years ago, so that's yellow/orange. But I can't think of any purple girls lol.


Oh yeah I agree. EA is pretty much the poster child of corporate evil in the gaming industry. They are infamous for pushing their crooked ideals onto developers and then throwing them under the bus when their shifty tactics blow up in their faces. Sadly the best game I could expect from Bioware at this point would be the one the former members will eventually fund on Kickstarter after EA shuts them down.


Let's see Zabrak, Twi'lek, and now Pure Sith. And I have my first Chiss on the way in the next couple weeks. :)

King of Hearts

I am really digging this massive influx of Star Wars commissions lately. They could drop a trailer every week if it means seeing more work like this. *_* Here's to hoping you get commissioned for the other races you haven't gotten to draw yet.


Hey it happens to me all the time around here. I just try to delete the double before it finishes loading. I find it helps if you click on the the post to make it full screen first. The doubles happen worst in the main feed.