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Since Bria is finally in a happier place for the first time in ages, I feel it's time to let a more playful side of her personality start to show here.  I do feel like this kind of attitude from her should be used a bit judiciously though.  After all I've already established her as quite submissive, and if there's one trait that doesn't really click with "submissive,"  it's "sassy."  Still, I don't want her to be a total doormat, so it couldn't hurt to show her having some fun here and there.  I'd be lamenting that it took until the final chapter for her to even start coming out of her shell as a character, but there's room for her in the next comic.  And I'm looking forward to continuing this progression with her. 




You know, a sexually submissive person isn't necessarily always submissive in all aspects of their life. And when you consider Bria's emotional changes it's still plausible for her to be kind of sassy now lol


... I loved skooshed boobs. That is all. Sassy Bria is also kind of fun.


In the BDSM Community, a Smartass Submissive is very much a thing. And hell, one could say that a submissive actually NEEDS more of a backbone, because they need to be able to say "NO! STOP!" when they go too far.


Basically? This sassiness felt PERFECTLY in line with Bria, even with her submissive streak

Walter L.

I wanted to point that out as well. Glad others did already. ;)


So he makes her stay after class for sex then makes her clean up his mess. What an asshole lol


Well I'll do my best to keep improving on both boob-squish and personality. :)


Can't imagine him handling it any other way lol. He's definitely not the type to get down on his knees and scrub cum out of the carpet.

Bob Fink

I love seeing this side of Bria, and yes being careful as to not over do it, but I've never felt she was a doormat and the submissiveness only runs to the point where she's having fun and this sassy side is her having fun :D


Great! Glad I didn't miss the mark with what I was going for here. :)


Love bria as always :) Also just a suggestion, maybe lighten the colour of the areola a bit?


You think? I really like the dark nipple look. Anyhow hang tight I've got a brand new Bria pic I'll be posting in just a few minutes. :)