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Hey guys just a few things before I start the profile.  Viewers of the Reintalk episode that introduced Liz may find she looks a little different here, and that's because like all the new characters she's still a work in progress until she makes her proper comic debut. (I say "proper" because she's technically already made an appearance in Switch. That's her in the purple looking spacey on page 117.)  Also a fun fact for viewers of the most recent episode is that Liz represents yet another character whose name starts with "L" that I completely forgot about besides Lydia.  I really need to get away from that letter. On with the profile!

The most succinct way to describe Liz is that she just operates on a different wavelength than everyone else.  Every class has an oddball, and Liz fills that role and then some.  She's often startling people because of just how quietly she walks, and seems to appear out of nowhere to insert herself into conversations.  Liz wants to fit in with her peers and make friends, but rarely seems all that concerned or upset when her attempts to do so backfire.  In fact, nothing ever really seems like a big deal to her.  For good or bad very little gets a rise out of Liz.  She takes everything in stride to a borderline unnatural degree. 

At first it may look like Liz will have sex with anyone who asks.  But in truth she has a set of standards that she strictly adheres to when choosing a partner. What those standards are and how to predict them, however, is anyone's guess.  Even so she's often fairly easy to get into bed, just don't expect her full attention or any more enthusiasm on her part than she would show anything else, which is not much. 

And that's what I have for her so far! If you guys have any thoughts or suggestions for her I'd love to hear them. Next week is Holly, the class drama queen! :D 




I don't want to sound like I'm down on the picture or Liz but the image above sort of makes her seem autistic lol. But based on the description I get the sense that's kind of the point.


Haha, she seems very non-neurotypical, in a funny sort of way. Only in the Reinbachverse could she take a dick the size of a traffic cone and be completely enthralled in something else. She looks very cute, too. I like the long, plain-ish hair. And another different body type for the school, too! She actually looks a lot younger than everybody else (though the breast sizes of the other girls makes them all look like college students). I can't wait to see her boobs :).


Well SHE certainly seems interesting. Can't wait to see more of her. (Both in story and in the buff)


I worried that may be an issue. What I have in mind is to make her a fun little weirdo that fits perfectly into the much more fantastical world the next comic takes place in. Hopefully when she arrives in the comic readers will get the eccentric vibe I'm going for with her and not jump straight to thinking she's mentally ill. Time will tell!


She's fairly flat by my comic standards but I assure you she's 18 just like all the other teenage characters.

Bob Fink

I like her, she's kind of cool 😎 the way nothing seems to bother her or get her riled up. I must admit that it would bug the hell out of me if while having sex with her she just played with her phone :D


I hear you lol. I can tell there are a few things about what I have in mind for her that I could have explained better, but that means there will still be surprises when she makes her comic debut so I guess that works. :)


It's fun going back and seeing these "planning phase" characters. Liz came off very autistic here, but in the later story with the Brazilian guy, she seems much more "Millennial/Teen-Speak" and obnoxious instead, with her weird slang and terminology :).


That's the nice thing about having you guys to vet these characters before I reveal them to the masses outside of Patreon. I wanted Liz to come off as "weird" but she was received more as "mentally handicapped" so adjustments were made.