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Whew! This is a long one.  Here I go over the process of coming up with a new character, and draw her for the first time right here. Now that I've finished I had a real "forehead slap" moment: I named the character Lucy because I thought I didn't have any other characters with a name that started with "L" but I completely forgot about Lydia! I felt quite the fool. Guess I'll have to come up with another name. So it goes! 


Reintalk Episode 22.mp4



"Probably make her boobs a little smaller". Why would you do such an evil thing lol. Saw that Epic Bria pic on your desktop, I'm guessing that'll be her elemental pinup.


That's right! I don't want it to be another two months before it's done so I started it right away after finishing the Casey one.


Once Upon A Time has the Evil Queen character, who is FUCKING AMAZINGLY HOT- there's no shame in watching that show :). LOL at "she's looking a little REAL here" and then exaggerating her proportions a little bit more. That's kind of funny that it has to be deliberately done. I'm pretty impressed that you get the proportions and pose of the figure good just from drawing side-by-side. And you do full "Outline-Style" drawing, too- I usually end up doing "building blocks" with all the parts, but you go right from legs to feet, and your torso was more or less drawn in exactly from the beginning (I usually do a hip-circle, then plop a torso+ribcage above that). I love watching things like this; working from the BEGINNING and learning a new method. That's interesting about photo reference, since I've been asking around on that. I've been relying on memory so much, I should really consider references more often. But I find I'd search for HOURS looking for the right poses.


Also, as an artist, it does my ego well to know that I'm not alone in the "almost finished... aw fuck, just noticed something" thing. All the erasing I've had to do... Regarding the "similar names" thing, I've noticed you have both a Jane and a Zane, unless you dropped this mysterious Zane I'm still curious about. This character looks cute! For hair, she could be the platinum blonde you were thinking about with the Zoe images.