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After I finished this page it occurred to me that Mr. Fontaine got his pants on in record time.  He went from having his pants crumpled on the floor to buckling his belt in the time it took for Bria to say two sentences.  It's a pacing flaw, I'll admit.  But in a funny way it fits the character to me, if anyone could be dressed and ready to vanish with supernatural speed after getting off, it's this guy.




... Well, the plot thickens.


You know I'm liking Fontaine more and more. It takes a smart man to stay out of the veritable shitshow that is Casey's life. Also Bria's breasts look absolutely fantastic in the second panel, I love how dark and large her nipples are!


Is this the last we'll see of Fontaine in the comic?

Bob Fink

As for the speed at which he got dressed I have to agree with you as all he cares about is getting off and getting gone. Which is further demonstrated by his self centered attitude at the end. What an ass :D


Thanks! One thing that I hope comes through his more negative characteristics is that he is very intelligent, and in this case that means knowing a train wreck when he sees one lol.


Next week's page will be his last appearance in Switch, but he'll be back in the next comic. :)


I like him though lol. Like I said before stuff like this is fun to write. ;)

Lord Washington

So Bria knows about Casey and Royce. And perhaps Sylvia found out and that's why they split up and Casey told her?


Bria does know about Casey and Royce. I imagined it more as her deducing it after spending so much time with Casey, rather than Casey outright telling her. As for Sylvia, time will tell! ;)

Walter L.

You've got a typo in Bria's first word balloon. It`s "separated" not seperated. I just mention this because it's a rarity.


So I noticed Fontaine said "the threesomes have been exceptional" meaning he's been with both of them more than once. I might have to commission you more in the future to show these other occurrences. He might be the luckiest guy in this comic. Not only is he fucking the two hottest girls in this comic but he gets them both at the same time as well.


Mother of GOD, Bria's breasts in that second panel! How is it the breasts in your work are getting EVEN HOTTER?? Also, plot development! Which I always miss, because BOOBIES!!


Hey thanks nice catch! I wish Photoshop had a spellcheck for text lol.


For sure! He definitely had them both on several occasions, so there are plenty of possibilities there.


I do my best to make the boobies as distracting as possible! :D

alex baker

are we going to get answer as to who switch is and how she came to Casey in this comic or is that squeal material. actually is next comic a direct sequel to this?


Well I certainly don't want to spoil how this one will end or what will be shown about Switch, but as for the next comic I wouldn't call it a sequel exactly, as it will be very different. But Switch characters like Casey and Bria will be in it.

Squid Hills

Wait, Sylvia and Royce split up? Oh gawd, did she figure out Casey and Royce were and item? Did she just get bored with him? Did aliens abduct her and then scramble her brains on a whim? Inquiring minds want to know! Also, if it involves Sylvia walking in on Royce and Casey, perveted minds would love to see it! :)


Casey and Bria living together? So much fucking... Thought I'm sorry to hear about the plot twist. The incest kink was what really hooked me to begin with. Ah well, we will see what happens next!


Time will tell my friend! I can say for sure that you'll start finding out in the coming pages. :)


Well I can promise that we haven't seen the last of Casey and Sylvia together in my comics, they just happen to be separate at the moment. Hope you like where it goes from here!