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I'm aware that Midna's human form here is a bit of a spoiler.  But The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess is twelve years old and art of this character is everywhere so I think I'm safe.  Personally I liked Midna, she stood out next to Link's other sidekicks that ranged from unitentionally annoying like Navi, to powerfully boring and lifeless like Fi. Having a sassy little imp like Midna following you around went a log way towards infusing some personality into the story alongside our blank-slate silent hero. 




While I agree that Midna was a good companion, and had a surprising amount of depth to her, I feel like I'm the only person in the world who played Ocarina of Time and had no issue with Navi. I even went back and played it on an old N64 a few years back and had no issues with her. But nobody can deny that Fi was just a brick and that Midna reigns supreme among Link's sidekicks lol. And you definitely draw her better than most Reinbach!


Whoa dang, sexy art of one of LoZ's sexiest ladies? (Up there with Hyrule Warriors Impa) It's not even my birthday yet! (Not for another ten days anyway)


This is great, I've always loved seeing Human Midna stuff and you never disappoint! I'd love to see one with Ganon getting Midna, Zelda watching and masturbating and Link unable to stop it.


Sounds like a hot premise but I don't think I could bring myself to draw Link that way lol. He's like my favorite character ever!


You know my only real issue with Navi was from a narrative standpoint: after all you went through together she ditched you without a word at the end! Lame!

Bob Fink

This is totally awesome , I like this a lot and a nice way to keep her quite ;)