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That I am! Next week is one of two weeks per year where I take time off to recharge. (The other is usually in December.)  Though in this case it also means "take time off to figure out what kind of ghost is haunting my laptop THIS time." A big part of why the page posted so late tonight is because I'm suddenly being plagued by all kinds of weird laggy quirks that are slowing down my work flow. 

So what does this mean? It means no Monday strip or TRW page next week, but even on vacation I tend to get antsy if I go a few days without working at all, so I may have the cover for the next chapter ready sometime at random next week. Depends on how fast I can get my laptop back to normal. 

Thank you for your patience while I take some time for myself. TRW will be back before you know it! :)


Squid Hills

Enjoy your vacation! Good luck with exorcising your laptop, as well!


Heck yes. Have a good one, Reinbach!!!


No "Reinbach on vacation" picture this time? Must be quite bad with the laggy ntb.


Have a awesome vacation. Forget about work and enjoy your break, you deserve it 😁.

frank barry

Strips #100 “The Centennial,” coming up soon, should be something special ;)

frank barry

Enjoy your vacay


Oh yeah it was bad. I was pulling my hair out by the time I managed to limp to the finish line on the TRW page as it was. But I'm more or less back to normal now. :)