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So it would seem Casey's living situation has changed in the last few months!  The plot thickens! :o  

In all seriousness I tried something new here I'd like your feedback on.  I've been trying to convey movement better.  For the life of me I can never get speedlines to look anything but weird and distracting, but I tried some motion blur on Mr. Fontain's junk and Bria's flopping tits.  What do you guys think? 




OH MY FUCKING GOD THAT BOOB SQUISH !!! I didn't notice anything else, sorry :). I'm also using my phone while my computer is dead, so I can’t really judge. Anytime I see stuff like that, though, i always find it looks like the art didn't scan through properly. Kinda distracting. I can’t really notice it here on a tiny screen, though. But seriously, oh my god that Bria, though... here's an idea for your next comic: just have the entire thing be Bria having wild sex with a guy with my exact name and appearance, ok? That would be rad :).


Maybe if you commission him he'll set SOMETHING up. :P

Bob Fink

This is a totally awesome page, Bria appears to be really enjoying herself, even if she is a bit distracted ;). As for the motion, it looks okay, but I see what you mean about it being difficult to pull it off. So my question is, are Casey and Bria roommates with benefits? :p


I like how you are experimenting with movement. Works fine for me. Keep up the good work.


For me they sure are! They seem so simple in concept I can't figure why they give me so much trouble.


Well I'll be working on the motion blur until I get it right. I feel like a lot of the time my characters don't really look like they're in motion as much as I'd like.


Bottom left frame, close up of bria being penetrated looks abit weird, maybe not give outlines for the entire butt? Looks like a seprate object. Motion scenes from the hentai ive seen can be done by motion lines OR using "after images". After images if done well are so superior that the frame looks alive eg used for bj scenes


Heh-heh- i keep trying to picture a way to frame that in a way that isn't the most awkward request ever: "So Reinbach, here's a picture of my naked body..."


Haven't heard of after images. Sounds like I've got something to look into. :)


Not sure if that's the actual term but its when the artist draws (eg for bj scenes) the head going down on the person then sketches the head again but reduce the visibility (guess its here they reduce the opacity) where they think they would be if moving forward, they repeat it 3 or 4 times Its like putting a animation flip book all in one frame