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So when Sylvia made a passing comment about wanting to go on a vacation with Casey in the last chapter, I got more than a few comments wanting to see that realized. Thanks to this commission from Meiwow I was able to do just that! When Sylvia takes Casey to a resort on the San Juan Islands, their attempts to enjoy any activities outside of the bedroom don't go as planned. If you'd like to read more, Snizzlefit was kind enough to write a full canonical story about the evening in question that led up to this pic. I'd post the whole thing right here but it's a pretty decent sized story and for some reason Patreon always mangles the spacing when I paste a lot of text. ><

You can read the whole thing right here.  




Holy shit you've been killing it on the strap-ons lately. I blame/take credit myself, since I can't remember you doing any of it before I commissioned one (though you probably did at some point). Very lovely pic, and I LOVE the choice of clothing for Casey. I love her skoosh-boobies, too- I love the look of big ones when they're pressed flat (-ish) like that. Sylvia's always been a BIT too boobalicious for me (plus she's only like 31, which diminishes the MILFiness- I kind of like 'em to look 40-something at least), but with her evil faces and the way here hair's done here... she does it for me. Yes indeedy. Kinda looks like a Gypsy Milf Queen with the braided hair and the big earring. Also I love the way they interact- Casey is at her most vulnerable &amp; submissive with Sylvia- she's crazy with Royce, viciously hateful with Mr. Fontaine, and just lusty with anyone else. Sylvia brings out Casey's cutest faces, I'm discovering, which makes me enjoy their love scenes all the more :).


I'd say she's been submissive with Sylvia, seductive with Royce and she definitely got a little crazy with Mr. Fontaine.


Haha, yeah, that she did. But she was mostly just disdainful of him the entire time. And yeah, she's seductive with Royce, too. But also more than a little crazy ("GET ME PREGNANT, DADDY!!")


She was only disdainful during the anal sex since she hates anal. She was definitely enjoying herself during the vaginal sex though. If you go back and look at page 51 it doesn't look like Casey hates him after they're finished. She even calls him a " big ol' teddy bear".


Man, the San Juan Islands! My family has a cabin up there, I've spent SO MANY SUMMERS up there! It's crazy how I keep being reminded "Holy shit this guy's been near where I live"


I spent two summers of my youth working at the Lime Kiln cafe in Roche Harbor and sleeping in my car and using pay showers like a hobo. It was good times! :D


Loving the mother/daughter action that has been going on between these two, both in the comic and in images like this. Its awesome how dominating Sylvia is with Casey when they're together and how in this image, Casey's expression makes it seem like she is almost an innocent girl enjoying the strap-on pounding of a super sexy milf. Great work on the pose and overhead lighting thats being reflected a little by their sweaty bodies. I'll definitely read Snizzlefit's story about how this all happened.

Trekkie Monster

Agree with Simon that you did really great work on Casey's face here. She definitely looks younger than usual.

Bob Fink

I totally love this new relationship Sylvia and Casey have and this render is so hot! The little bow in Casey's hair is a nice touch at making her look younger than she really is....


The story was freaking awesome and very fitting to their current relationship in my mind.


Shit, I've EATEN there! My cousin got married at Roche.


I like casey's little hair bow :3


I'm glad you think so! I've been really trying to make sure all of these stories are part of Reinbach's canon!


I have a thing for girls riding the "D" so a camera angle from behind of casey riding the strap on would be nice. Or a "missionary" position tribbing :) I agree casey looks great with her boobs resting like that, it's hot. As for Sylvia's boobs, yes, I think they might take over the world XD P.s curious, would sylvia's face look better facing sideways instead being in an angle?


Right on I've certainly been working to improve in that area. :)


Hey guys I love hearing the feedback and your point of view as readers. Thanks for being interested! :D


Anytime you do Casey x Sylvia, it is dynamite.