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This month's sketch for Kaldonis, here we have two fighters from the  boob-tastic (it's a word) Senran Kagura series. I just drew serial  molester Katsuragi a little over a month ago, but this is my first go at  the evil shinobi leader Miyabi. There's a running gag in the games  where Miyabi is so tomboyish that she's often mistaken for a handsome  man....aaaand that's where I draw the line. I know it's a comedy series  but come on, I didn't exaggerate her proportions here at all. Even in a  game where one of the characters uses ninja magic to transform into a  bowl of noodles, I find the idea of mistaking a woman with giant breasts  for a guy just too farfetched. :P




Love the facial expression. And the boobs. The power of Squishy compels you!


The weirdest part is, this isn't out of character for Kat, she's a groping machine.Any plans for more SK stuff along the line? I'd love to see some Hikage, Homura or Ryona at some point.


Awesome thanks very much :D

King of Hearts

Not having played any of these games, or even hearing of them before now, all I can say is: I approooooove.


If that's supposed to look like a man, then you can call me the biggest homosexual on Earth :). Nice work on the boob squish- that's probably the one thing I could absolutely never get good at, despite constant effort trying- it ALWAYS looks F'd up somehow when I draw it. And here you've done it perfectly well!

Bob Fink

Nothing wrong with some booby grabbing ;), and this is priceless!


Nothing wrong as long as you're a girl lol. They totally get a free pass on being creepy gropers! XD


Hey it's a tricky thing to get the hang of believe me. It takes a lot of practice. Just keep at it! :D


I was just telling you how I picked up this game last week and now you post this. That's a cool coincidence.


I can say this much: they are surprisingly well crafted for titty games. Most games boasting jiggle-physics and panty shots usually forget to be fun games underneath the window dressing. Not the case here.


Very likely. Kaldonis and I are both big fans so it's likely he'll request a proper commission featuring SK characters in the future. Plus I like the series so much I may draw one of the girls in a another Patreon pin up sometime. Especially since Ryona is my personal favorite.


I just picked up SK: Deep Crimson for the 3DS. It's older so it's not as polished as Estival Vs. but I'm still enjoying it. Plus since physical releases of the series rare in the U.S. I get the feeling the 3DS entry is going to be one of those games that goes for over a hundred bucks on ebay in the near future.