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This month's sketch for Mark worked out well for me, as because of it I came up with how the first two cheerleaders are going to look in the new comic.  I have plans for the cheerleaders to be pretty much a hooker squad when they make their debut, and so far Abbey was the only member I'd come up with. So now I have three, it'll be fun coming up with the rest of them. 

Hey speaking of my comics, Snizzlefit has written some pretty amazing stories featuring characters from Switch, all approved by me and 100% canonical to the main story. If you're interested you can read the first one about Abbey here. 



Bob Fink

A hooker cheerleader squad, now that sound HOT! I'm looking forward to seeing what they get up to and who they seduce first ;) These two are very hot and looks like the one really enjoys big boobs ;)


Didn't you say Abbey was a virgin. How is she part of the hooker squad?


Well when the story starts I want her to be feeling the pressure from everyone to lose her virginity, or at least start acting like a total ho like all her peers on the team and at her job . I'm still writing it all out so nothing is set in stone yet.


New rule- all Reinbach art is now required by law to have a woman put another woman's nipple in her mouth :). Man you are KILLING it with the boob-biting & sucking lately! I like how these two have a bit of a "Betty & Veronica" thing going on with their looks, too. The blonde has the hair Dan Parent usually gave Betty, and the other has Veronica's short 1960s/70s "bob". Though you said you're not a big reader of Archie Comics, so it's probably not deliberate.


I don't mean to be overdoing it with that, it's just what I'm into lately lol.