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The headlines here are that today Kal and I received confirmation from Steam that the TRW Visual Novel has been firmly rejected for sale on their platform, and that today's Monday strip for the Level Two tier has been delayed, possibly until next Monday. For details, please read on.

The rejection message we got was as vague as it was frustrating. The primary reason given was the high school setting, as apparently no amount of us explicitly stating that every character is a legal adult was enough to counter that one detail in the eyes of our reviewer. It's frustrating because I'd estimate abouuut 99% of all the lewd anime-styled visual novels already on the platform include a high school in some capacity. And aside from Parker (who would be considered "busty" if she were a real woman) one would be hard pressed to argue that any of my characters don't look like adults.  

So personally, I think there was more to our dismissal than that, and that our reviewer just wasn't in the mood to provide us with an essay stating the rest of their specific grievances.  They concluded by telling us that we are unwelcome to make changes and resubmit. The TRW visual novel is permanently banned from Steam. 

I don't normally talk about this kind of stuff here, but needless to say, this is a pretty devastating blow to Switchverse Games. Kal and I are looking for silver linings and trying to stay positive, but come on, it's not every day that a project you've been working on for five years gets perma-banned from the biggest gaming storefront in the world. As for me, I've been staring at a blank page for a couple hours now, and I think I have to just admit that an idea for a Monday Strip isn't going to come to me today. I'll be fine, and TRW will still post this Thursday of course, but as of now I'm simply not in the headspace to come up with anything good, and I apologize for the delay.

So I guess the big question is "now what?" As far as where Kal and I should be focusing our efforts moving forward, I mean. We both figured that game design was the path towards growing our business here, but in one single day that's been thrown in to question. I've been working on a proof of concept demo for a new adventure game for months now, and that demo WILL be finished. No crisis of faith could ever make me scrap a project I've put this much work into already. But what about after its finished? Should I focus more on animated shorts? More TRW pages? A spin off comic? I guess I'll have to wait and see how the demo performs upon release to make an educated decision, but in the meantime if you have any suggestions or opinions to share, I'd love to hear them. 

I'd like to close by thanking you all for being here. Whatever the future holds for my content creation, your support is more appreciated now than ever. 


Lukas West

I am so sorry to hear, Rein. I would be crushed too and I hope you and Kal are alright. I know this hurts but think of it like small roadblock I know you will push through and be back on track in no time!


This is a wildly irresponsible suggestion, but what if you completely re-title the game as College Super Adventure or whatever, wait about six months, and have someone else submit it as a new game? It's not ideal and may not work, but Steam is such a huge faceless entity that you never know.


I am sorry to hear this, hope you will not get too discouraged. Beacause honestly, while this sucks, I absolutely love your game, and consider it to be one of the best western ones ever, and I think it would be an absolute shame if you decided that this is it and did not want to make any other ones. In all cases, we stay to support, your content is great man!


Keep up the good work and don't look left or right. As for looking for the store, as MrDisturbed mentioned above, GOG could be a good choice.


Don't give up! The game's quality speaks for itself, and there are other reputable platforms. If you put it out there, people will definitely buy it :)


Is there an appeals process or a way to request more information? As for me, seeing more pages, pinups and commissions would be nice, but I’m not sure how lucrative those are compared to games. I was to understand the game had been a big help for your Patreon numbers. Maybe, uhhh… smaller games? Like one offs to keep it going and maintain a Patreon base?

Patrick Furlong

That sucks. I'm quite curious as to what their logic is. I've gotten other Spicy Caliente games from steam. One in particular is obviously set in a high school though the dialog clumsily refers to it as "college" and there are even incest overtones though the game dodges this by allowing the player to define the "relationships" between the characters living in the same house. There are even relations between the student and teacher characters at the "college". Perhaps "demonic" possession bothered someone there... does steam have a Christian streak no one has noticed? (I'm mostly joking, but who knows)


There’s no appeal process at all?


I'm gonna echo all the other people here noting that yeah, that sucks hardcore and you should take some time you need after this. Also going to echo how this rejection is fucking WEIRD, given the kind of filth and far shadier stuff that goes on Steam. Itch.io isn't nearly as big as Steam but it's a platform that I think will accept the game, so that's an alternative at least.


That sucks, but also highly expected. For Steam *any* school settings is huge red flag. I've been supporting you with dollars for years, today I also offer a virtual hug as well.


That sucks really hard, specially the perma ban without a real explanation. Try Itch.io, maybe GOG or humble bundle. Also do not give up! I'm pretty sure you´ll find a way forward


What else gets on Steam? I don’t play VNs so I don’t know what they allow.


Maybe? Hard to say? It took us months just to apply this one time. Seems they thought of that, and made the submission process as big a pain in the ass as possible to combat it.


Well word is some of the reviewers weren't wild about how Steam backtracked on its "no porn" policy a couple years back, and we may have been lucky enough to get one such reviewer. Just an idea though, I've got nothing to back that up.


Not in our case, they quite explicitly told us to bugger off and not come back.

Patrick Furlong

That would track. Still sucks though, the production value and story of yours is so much better than the others I’ve seen.


I wonder whether there are other cases of rejected submissions that were able to get some sort of appeal. I admit I haven't researched this. It just seems so very brutal for Steam to reject without offering some means to re-submit. I wonder if it's because the related comic would still feature the high-school if any game fans went searching?


One more storefront option to consider that I haven't seen mentioned is affect3d.com. They sell adult comics, 3D animation, and games, so that might be a good fit.