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Hey guys I know I don't normally do work in progress shots for Monday pin ups, but the sad fact is I may be pulled away from my desk, and the internet entirely for that matter, all day tomorrow rather unexpectedly.  And I didn't want to leave you hanging if that's how it goes down, so I figured I'd post what I had now to play it safe, as I think a WIP is much better than a no-show. 

So as one of the rare Americans who would rather stare at a blank wall while being snapped with rubber bands than watch professional sports, the most exciting thing for me that happened this weekend media-wise were the movie trailers that were brought to my attention. My favorite one was the second trailer for Logan, which looks 100% awesome.  But I wasn't about to draw a 12 year-old X23 for the pin up so I clicked on Youtube's next recommended trailer; the new live-action Beauty and the Beast coming out next month.  And that reminded me of a Disney princess I've yet to draw so here we are! 

As a kid I recall liking the old animated version just fine.  But as an adult I think the story could be better if they make some tweaks to it.  For example I think it would be more interesting if they play up Belle being an outcast a bit more.  In the old one it was like "Look at Belle, all the other girls in the village are busy being child brides but she likes to read! Such an oddball!"  I'm paraphrasing but you get the idea.  Wouldn't she be more interesting if she was an outcast for a legit reason?  Also I think the ending would fit better thematically if the beast never regained his glamorous pretty-boy human form and they stayed together anyway.  (And that's not because I just want to open the door to all that bestiality fan art, get your mind out of the gutter good sir!)  Anyhow what do you think?  Looking forward to the new movie, don't give a damn either way? Let me know in the comments! Meanwhile I'll have this finished the minute I'm able. :)  




If he kept his beast form wouldn't it be more furry not beastiality? Besides i have no problem with beast action, im kinky that way XD


I stand corrected, you're right that would be more in furry territory. Well played! :D


I've never been a fan of Beast in the "Prince Eric" form. I don't appeal much to him as a character once he changes back, and frankly the whole point of the story imo was that Belle didn't care what he looked like. If you're avoiding furry/beastiality as part of your posts, I'd much rather see her in a very hot library masturbation scene, or looking at Gaston utterly disgusted framed in the Mirror, something along those lines. Ideally though a "happy" scene between her and the beast would be awesome.


Holy God- so awesome! Belle is my favorite Disney character period, so it's great to see her here! It's interesting to see a Disney character in your style, since I had a hard time even imagining what they'd look like- Disney characters have huge heads, huge eyes, smallish breasts and teeny little bodies. Your characters are thick, curvy, huge-breasted and have small heads and more "Adam Hughes"-style human-sized eyes. It never even occurred to me to get Disney stuff from you, and I've commissioned Elsas & Belles from like everyone else on HF :). But your Belle here actually looks terrific. With that classic "annoyed" look you do so well. Damn- now I wanna see more of them from you! As for the movie, I'm optimistic since Disney's done some good stuff with their live action material. But I don't consider Emma Watson the Great Beauty everyone else says she is- she still kinda looks young to me, and her face never really astounded me. But then, I love Belle so much it's hard to imagine any human female equaling her beauty. Maybe Kristin Davis, circa the early Sex & The City episodes.

Bob Fink

Belle is very sexy and one of my favorite Disney characters, and I love how you've drawn her here, not that we'll ever see her this way but we can all dream ;)


Everything you said is very interesting Rein, but I just can't stop staring that that sweet Pusaaaaay!


Beast's transformation to the Prince actually makes a lot of thematic sense if you do one simple thing: Remember that it's not Belle's reward. Belle at first had to double-take and check his unchanged eyes to be sure it was him at first. The transformation to human was ADAM'S reward, from a form he never wanted and never liked, to the form he felt more natural in.


Oh, before I risk sounding ungrateful... Love the WIP, can't wait to see the full thing. Belle's a babe


Huh? A WIP? If you had just said it was done in a more painterly style I'd be satisifed right then and there, kudos! Also, only now I noticed the care you put in clothes and how the anatomy of the subject fills and deforms them. Most comic artists just draw spandex style clothing and don't bother studying materials, interesting.


Yeah, this totally makes me want to see the entire Disney harem of ladies in his style now! I think I've only seen his version of Tinker Bell before this.


Thanks for noticing! Cloth and fabric can be tricky so I see why some artists take shortcuts, but I'm doing my best to not have to rely on that kind of thing.


Well it's a tricky thing, beauty is quite subjective after all. Glad you like my take on Belle and I'm sure you'll be seeing more Disney princesses here soon enough. ;)