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Lydia Galanos considered her transfer to Tecumseh High School to  be a major downgrade. Her previous school in California was much nicer, a  fact that she will remind anyone within earshot of at any given time with little or no provocation. Her very presence in Washington State  feels like slumming as far as she's concerned. She views the boys at her  new school to be perverted thugs who have no concept of how to treat a  lady, and to be fair she's not entirely wrong.  Sex is something that comes very reluctantly to her, as she was raised with the mentality that  it's something boys should have to work for.  But she often caves to the peer pressure of her female friends who claim she has no idea how to loosen up and have fun. She's deigned to appoint two girls as friends  since the move. One is Jane, as she seems to view Lydia as a project, determined to strip her of her stick-in-the-mud attitude. And the other  is Bria, but their relationship is a bit more complicated. 

When  Lydia heard that Bria cheated on Warren, her reaction was harsh,  perhaps overly so, towards her friend. But a big part of that, whether  she wanted to admit it or not, was because she finds Warren to be one of  the few boys in her new school who exhibits even a touch of class or manners. She was secretly thrilled he and Bria's relationship fell  apart.  Lydia is very confident in herself, and believes she can get any  guy she wants if she sets herself to the task. But the fact that being  with the only guy she desires would cause conflict with one of her close  friends makes her question just how much control she really has in her  social life. 




... Wait wait wait wait... Wait. Switch takes place in WASHINGTON STATE?! Holy crap that's where I live!


Ooooooohhhh... a paler, somewhat more petite girl, too? You're spoiling us, Reinbach!

Bob Fink

For a stick in the mud she sure looks hot while wearing this guys cum! Not sure pissing Bria off would be a healthy idea ;)


To be honest I'm not sure how far I'll go with that idea. These new characters are all still very early on. She may just keep her little crush on Warren a secret.


Well I'm still doing my best to offer a variety of body types. Didn't think I'd ever manage to go this petite lol, she's got even smaller breasts than Abbey. ;)


High fives my friend! I'm going to come up with a fictional town name but as for the state I figured why not go with where I live? Pine trees make for easy outdoor backgrounds lol.


Huh- I haven't read this bio in so long I forgot all about her. Damn, there's some interesting twists in here. Jane trying to get her out of her shell, a relationship with Bria, AND she's in there possibly trying to get with Warren- I wonder how Morgan will take THAT. It'll be interesting seeing how her personality changes when she actually shows up "for serious". I always found Warren one of the more interesting side-characters, and fairly sympathetic... though it occurs to me only now that I think he has maybe ONE on-panel appearance in all of Switch, and we've only HEARD about stuff he'd done after the fact (like beating up Bria's lover). He came off a little less polite in Morgan's bio (bragging about chicks wanting to blow him), but that could just be him lying about stuff. Interested to see where these go!


Well with Lydia here the Warren fascination has since been retconned out for now. As when I wrote this for Lydia I hadn't yet come up with Morgan. And the secret crush/Bria rivalry thing suits her much better. As for Warren sounding like an asshole in Morgan's story, keep in mind that instance was told from Morgan's pissy perspective lol. He probably wasn't "bragging" at all.