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Well, Kayden's mother went over so surprisingly well in that small appearance of hers in the comic that I decided she deserved a more detailed presentation.

Since she was the definition of a background character, I don't have a lot of details worked out for her. I basically just thought, "valkyrie in mom clothes" and I had all I needed. Originally I wanted to name her Lenneth, after the main character of my beloved PS1 classic, Valkyrie Profile. But then I realized I had also used Lenneth's exact hairstyle from the game for her. At first, I worried that little coincidence pushed the name from "homage" to "ripoff," which I obviously try to avoid.

In the end, I decided that name and hairstyle aside, my girl is quite visually distinct from her namesake so the hell with it: Lenneth Carmichael it is! XD

Personality-wise I picture her as the ideal viking wife: good cook, dedicated homemaker, extremely protective and strict with her son. That's meant to be her husband getting snu-snued underneath her there, but I'll keep him mysterious for now. I'm not sure what kind of look I want to give him and I don't want to rush it in case I think of something good later down the line.

What do you think? She got such a positive reaction that I was anxious about not living up to the hype with her first close up lol. Hope you guys like how she turned out.




Love it! I picture Kayden's dad as basically an older Kayden. All of the 'adult' men we've seen have been these macho men basically. It'd be fun to see an alternative that's still considered an equal with a happy marriage.


It's always good to see more full figured women regardless of how they come about or who they're inspired by. And this is no exception lol


Isaac. Chloe. Do you think you still would have been step-siblings if Reinbach hadn't been dealing with Patreon's content restrictions?


I like her so far. Can't wait to see more of her in the comic.


I'm digging how she's like... broad and not just a BBW or MuscleGirl. Granted those two things are among my favorite things but this makes her stand out.


Thicc thighs saves lives, and I love the freckles on her face and chest.


Huge fan. Huge. Perfect mom for Kayden. And we need more Large Wimmen.

Jariah Synn

Big fan of Lenneth! She's perfect! Still think dad might look like Fabio.. lol


I see this picture and the first thing that pops into my head is this song: https://youtu.be/tujcQXXK5Qo


She's wonderful


Hard to say? Even if the restrictions weren't there, it's difficult for me to call if the full-family stuff would have a place in TRW, which is much lighter in tone compared to Switch, where I was actively trying to be edgy/shocking.


She'll have a place eventually! She's gone over too well not to! :)


Right on, I guess this is kind of a rare type for me. Can't think of anyone else who's just built big without being toned or muscular.