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I know I've said it before, but I love doing these covers for Sarah Hawke.  I especially enjoyed this one, as I had a lot of fun coming up with the armor design.  You can check out her ebooks on Amazon if you're interested! :)



Stush Cinta

Whoah, so coooool!

Mark W

Very nice.. I'm getting a bit of an Exalted vibe from it, especially from the white tattoo lines.. If she had more of them she could definitely be a Lunar.


Holy crud another Exalted fan! And hm, now I'm musing on if Rein would take commissions for one's RPG characters...

Bob Fink

This is so awesome, very well done. Love the whole concept and design.


If this was a cartoon, I'd buy it. Great cover.


Where do I go to commission you for book art?


You can hit me up at reinbachart@gmail.com for commissions. Though full disclosure: Sarah Hawke did the title, I don't know squat about graphic design. I'm going to have to hire someone for that myself when my new comic needs a logo.


Thanks! It would have to be an 80's cartoon, for only then was it ok for female characters to be sexy. XD


Thanks! I always enjoy mixing and matching bits of fantasy armor until I have something original.