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Hey just a happy little disclaimer/reminder here that everyone in the cast is eighteen and older, some are just short and still live with their parents. Good? Good. 

From my own experience, I can't imagine what it might be like to have a sexual relationship with your former bully. I can only posit a guess that old habits might die hard for whoever was doing the oppressing before. 

As a side note, I figure Mary puts on a mega-wholesome-good-girl act whenever she comes over to Kayden's house, which is why she's not currently rocking her piercings or goth lipstick here. I had it in my head that Kayden has this burly viking mom that wouldn't have let one of her son's former tormentors into the house without some serious convincing. 

Lastly, remember how I said last week that things would start differently than usual in this scene? Well at the last second I decided that what I had in mind actually needed some explanation, so I had to reel it back a bit. What we have here is a more traditional TRW opener, and I hope you like it so far! 

PS: Speaking of broken promises, I just can't quit the Wolvesbane font for the scene titles. I'd meant to retire it for its sometimes questionable legibility, but anything else just looks weird, for now, at least.  



Sophia Dearden

Wow, Mary looks so different that I wasn't even convinced it was her at first. Also, Kayden's mom looks hot and I hope we see much more of her somewhere down the line.


Great opener, but the smile in the second panel? *chef’s kiss*

Sir Kev The Perv

whenever Kayden's mom is not in the comic all other characters should be asking " where is Kayden's mom?"

A Guy

Love Mary's smile in that second panel. It's like, wholesome or something. And then, y'know. Naked amazon lady. Yowza. And also chiming in with the chorus telling you to draw Kayden's mom naked in the near future.

Sir Kev The Perv

At this point I wouldn't mind if this romantic world becomes the Carmichael Family Comic. Maybe Kayden has an older sister in the college wrestling club?maybe she comes in and punishes the twins for bulling her precious little brother? Maybe we see how Mrs Carmichael got with her husband, who coincidentally looks exactly like Kayden when he was younger?

Chris Davis

I, for one, like your Title Font...I've had no problem in reading it...I love the idea that Kayden's Mom is a busty powerhouse :) I get the feeling that she's like Mary or Trish (or both?) as a Daughter-in-Law...


Nicely done. Just one question about the last panel - is that someone else's hand or should those nails be blue? Millie comes to mind, because it's not pink enough for Chloe.


Oh, shit, Kayden's mom is fucking cute, reminds me if Frigga from Last Origin :)


A new milf I see. Neat. But yeah if housing prices are anything like where I am, these kids could be in the middle of college and it wouldn’t be a bit surprising if they still lived with their parents.


I'd say it's a given at this point. I didn't expect her to go over so well!


You never know! XD As for the font, I guess it was mostly numbers that can get hard to read, so it doesn't work as well for the strips. But I think it's still fine for titles in the comic.


Oh, totally. If things stay the way they are the whole "When you're 18 you're out the door" American mantra will be history.

frank barry

Now I need more ‘Sparkle Vampire!!!’