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Can't believe it took me over a hundred pages to reveal the character the story is named after! Hope you guys like the page and are having a great night.




Holy shit there is something you don't see every day. I love her look and the influence she has on casey with the chain is interesting. Switch just looks awesome :)

Stush Cinta

Whoah, she looks rad as hell!


Great! I worried maybe her design was too out there but in the end I feel like Switch looks just how she should. :)


Thank you! I picture some hard metal song playing in the background when she's around lol.

Mark W

this is an interesting page because it suggests one of two things, either A) Casey is even crazier than she realized, because she seemed surprised that Switch could touch her or B) theres some honest-to-god Supernatural shit going down..


Are her teeth supposed to be thick like that or is it your way of simplifying the look. I ask because of the closeup on the last panel.


OH MY GOD SHE'S A GIANTESSSSSSSSSSS YOU KNEW MY DEEPEST WISHES :)!!!! Haha, but seriously, AWESOME reveal. She's very scary, has a totally different face shape than any other character, and still dresses like she's showing off for the whole world to see! In short, Switch is awesome and I hope to see her in some form of sex scene in the future.


Well that's unexpected, and here I was thinking Casey was dealing with her own psychosis. Supernatural beings on the other hand make for a lot more interesting aspects to play against, and honestly, kinda makes me love casey more to know she's not crazy (well, that crazy). Perhaps a lesser deamon, norse giant, spirit of teenaged vengeful lust? Talk about a page turner, I may have to go back to 1 now and start over just to see if you hinted to this before. Well done!


Man I feel like the best thing I can do here is keep my trap shut lol. At this point in the story I want Switch's nature to be mysterious and I don't want to blow anything. Glad you find it interesting in any case. :)


I went for the huge teeth look because when I drew her with smaller, more detailed teeth she looked too shark-like, monstrous even in a very unsexy way. I found the more I simplified the more I liked how it looked.


Hey thanks! But believe it or not I still hope for Switch's nature to remain ambiguous for awhile. (This will be more obvious on the next page.) For now I'd like to leave it to the readers to decide whether they think Switch is real or if Casey is just extra delusional. ;)


Switch....I'd hit that.

Bob Fink

WOW! Switch is one spooky bitch, yet still smokin hot! Looks like it's time that Casey and Switch had a meeting of the minds so to speak. I'm really looking forward to next week to see what Switch has in store for Casey, should be awesome!

ConoSaurus Rex

WOOOO! We finally get to see Switch!


Great! You'll be seeing a lot of her in these final two chapters. :)


Hey great I like to think i would too! Not so sure I'd say yes to a blowjob though, those teeth make me very uncomfortable. >

Walter L.

So, we are sure she's just crazy and not actually possessed by something?


Not sure of anything I'm afraid, by which I mean I'm not intentionally trying to spell anything out here. I want the reader to be able to come up with their own theories for now. :)


really love switch's design! the eyes are so rad:D


Casey's eyes in that last panel ❤️


Thanks! I did my best to make her appear otherworldly without being too scary. :)


Switch has a very interesting design. Her shark like teeth really match well with her glowing yellow eyes. I'd have to say that switch is probably the biggest female you've drawn in the "Switch" universe (unless she is actually floating). her outfit reminds me of a straight jacket, which is very interesting because a lot of people think Casey is crazy and should probably be in one. Looks like Switch has had enough of Casey's attitude and is about to put her foot down on her behavior and show her just who is really in charge when they're alone.


I intended for Switch to be just a little taller than Royce, but you're right it does look like she's floating here. As of this writing I have another appearance for her planned in the next couple pages so I'll try to get a wide shot of her. :)