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Whew! Barely made it on this one. I hope that shot of Raina in the middle panel turned out well, because I feel like half the time I spent working on this page was in the service of scrapping that entire pose and starting over repeatedly. It's almost as though portraying a character with physically impossible breasts makes natural-looking poses a challenge to present, or something. I refuse to look into it any further. XD

Hope you guys like the page! 



Vylon Delta

I can see why that pose took so much time: It’s gorgeous!


Thinking about it... Sylvia shares a lot on common with Casey. Really is a 'like mother, like daughter' situation.

frank barry

I love what you did with dialogue on the last panel! That’s such a great way to convey everything with clogging up a nicely laid out page!

Jariah Synn

Dooo eeettt!!!


Sylvia wants Miles to put a baby in Raina.


God damn Raina's ass looks fine! This is the reason why every walkthrough I go for the 'knock up Raina' option😄

Vylon Delta

Wait: Sylvia encouraging Raina to fuck Miles; Sylvia trying to discourage Raina from drinking; Sylvia pressuring Miles to fuck Raina…Sylvia is trying to get Raina knocked up! Or not; IDK could be wrong :p


Raina did turn out really well in the middle panel, but surprisingly, her expression caught my attention. Not the pose. :)


Something about these last couple panels got me thinking - if Miles somehow did get his claws (and dick) into Chloe, how ballistic would Casey go if she found out? Considering the lengths we've seen her go to in the strips, I can only imagine a Switch-tier meltdown would be in the cards.


She would be super pissed for sure if Miles hooked up with one of her classmates! :O